Now showing items 461-480 of 2240

    • Urea Hydrolysis and Urease Activity in Saudi Arabian Soils 

      Al Falih, Abdullah M. [عبد الله مساعد خلف الفالح] ( Qatar University , 2000 , Article)
      Soil samples were collected from eight different localities m Saudi Arabia, and analysed for mechanical properties as well as for urea hydrolysis. The urease enzyme activity of these calcareous soils was also investigated. ...
    • Primary Productivity of Lake Manzalah, Egypt, using C14 technique 

      Ibrahim, M. A. [محمد امين ابراهيم]; El-Reheim, H. A. ( Qatar University , 1981 , Article)
      The hydrographical and chemical conditions of Lake Manzalah, Egypt, are influenced by the surging in of saline water from the Mediterranean sea and are by no means stable. The average of the parameters studied during the ...
    • Helminth parasites of fishes from the arabian gulf 2 . the digenetic trematode genera Hamacreadium linton, 1910 and cainocreadium Nicoll, 1909 

      Saoud, Mohamed Fathy A. [محمد فتحي عبد الفتاح سعود]; Ramadan, M. M.; Al Kawari, K. S. R. ( Qatar University , 1986 , Article)
      The status of the related digenetic trematode genera Hamacreadium Linton 1910 and Cainocreadium Nicoll, 1909 is briefly reviewed. Hamacreadium Linton 1910 is described from Lutjanus fulviflamma and L. russelli. Cainocreadium ...
    • Assessment of Coral Reef Communities At Abu-Dabab, North of Marsa Alam Egypt 

      Mostafa, H. M. [هشام منصور مصطفى] ( Qatar University , 2003 , Article)
      The coral reef communities in the area of Abu Dabab, north of Marsa Alam were assessed using rapid underwater technique. Three adjacent reefs were studied to reveal the actual status of the reefs and its damaged parts. ...
    • Cleavability of Decomposition Spaces 

      Al Bsoul, Adnan [عدنان البصول] ( Qatar University , 2006 , Article)
      Assume that X and Y have the same homotopy type, if X (respectively Y) is cleavable over p, have proved that the decomposition space of Y/g (respectively X/f) is cleavable over p. A result ncerning Arhangel'skii - Teroni's ...
    • Relation between Quasi-normed Ideals of Entropy Numbers and of Approximation Numbers 

      El Shobaky, E. [انتصارات محمد حسن الشبكي] ( Qatar University , 1981 , Article)
      Let en(T) and an(T) be the entropy numbers and approximation numbers of operator T between Banach spaces, respectively. Let ?p be the operator ideal defined by Sp:^TeL;{en(T)^lp}, and Sp be the operator ideal defined ...
    • A Mathematical Model Of The Dynamics Of Schistosomiasis 

      Badran, Yehia [يحيى بدران]; Sherief, Hany ( Qatar University , 1996 , Article)
      In this work the authors develop a mathematical model for the dynamics of a major helminth parasite of man, schistosomiasis. The model is a system of coupled non-linear equations. Numerical experimentations with the model ...
    • Histochemical Studies On argas (Argas) Hermanni (Ixodoidea: Argasidae) Salivary Glands 

      Khalil, Galila M. [جليلة مصطفى خليل]; Marzouk, A.; Mohallal, M. E.; Al-Thani, H. Y. J. ( Qatar University , 1994 , Article)
      Basic proteins, tryptophan, tyrosine, free NH2 and SH groups, general carbohydrates, glycogen, acid mucopolysaccharides and lipids were investigated during nymphal and adult Argas (Argas) hermanni Audouin development. In ...
    • Comparison of body mass, feeding and food conversion of temperature acclimatized Porcellionides pruinosus (Brandt, 1833) (Isopoda, Oniscidea) fed on the dry leaf of Punica granatum 

      Nair, G. Achuthan [ج. أكيوثان نير]; El Mariami, Muftah, A. [مفتاح أز الميامي]; Haeba, Maher Hamad [ماهر حمد هيبة]; Muttardy, Farag M. [فرج م. مطردي] ( Qatar University , 2006 , Article)
      A detailed study was conducted on the body mass; moisture; assimilation efficiency; gross and net production efficiencies; feeding, assimilation; conversion and metabolic rates of the woodlouse Porcellionides pruinosus ...
    • Phyllosphere and phylloplane fungi of some herbal plants belonging to Labiatae, Solanaceae and Umbelliferae in Egypt 

      El Kady, I. A. [اسماعيل عبد الرزاق القاضي]; Zohri, A. A.; Mohamed, E. M.; Kotby, R. S. M. ( Qatar University , 1997 , Article)
      Survey on the occurrence of phyllosphere and phylloplane fungi on leaves surface of 15 different kinds of fresh herbs (three samples of each kind) belonging to three plant families (five kinds belonging to each of Labiatae, ...
    • Direct Electrochemical Synthesis of Mono, Bi And Polynuclear Complexes of Some Hydrazide and Hydrazone Derivatives 

      El Asmy, A. A. [احمد فوزي عبد الحميد العصمي]; Amin, R. R.; Al-Ansi, T. Y.; El-Shahat, M. F. ( Qatar University , 2000 , Article)
      Transition metal complexes of mono-, di- and tetrahydrazides and their hydrazones have been prepared by electrochemical techniques using the metal as a sacrifical anode. The electrochemical oxidation of Co, Ni and Cu in ...
    • Studies on the biology of eucalyptus micro theca f. Muell in the gezira, sudan i. The behaviour of the seed 

      Ismail, A. M. A. [احمد محمد علي اسماعيل]; Obeid, M.; Ahmed, A. E. ( Qatar University , 1986 , Article)
      Eucalyptus microtheca has proved to be a success on the heavy clay soils of the Gezira. This tree species not only seeds regularly and prolifically during the summer, but also, though rarely, seeds during the winter. The ...
    • Petrology, Mineralogy and Genesis ofWadi Dana Cambrian Manganese Deposit, Central Wadi Araba Region, Jordan 

      El Hasan, T. M [طائل الحسن]; Al-Malabeh, A.; Kajiwara, Y.; Komuro, K. ( Qatar University , 2001 , Article)
      Manganese oxides occurring at Wadi Dana (central Wadi Araba region, Jordan) are mainly hosted in the middle Cambrian dolomite limestone shale unit (DLSU). This deposit was investigated to elucidate their petrographic ...
    • Microscopic Study Of The Rabbit Pancreas After Vagotomy 

      Al Muhtaseb, M. H. [محمد هاشم المحتسب]; Ali, Khalid A. ( Qatar University , 1997 , Article)
      The microscopic study of the morphological changes in the rabbit pancreas were investigated after vagotomy. Structural changes were observed in the pancreatic acinar cells and in the islets of langerhans two and three weeks ...
    • A Class Of Functions Stronger Than M-Precontinuity, Preirresolute And A-Functions 

      Abdel Monsef, M. E.; MAHMOUD, R.A.; NASEF, A.A.; عبد المنصف, محمد عزت; محمود, د.أ.; ناصف, أ.أ.... more authors ( Qatar University , 1990 , Article)
      We propose a definition for a new class of functions that may be stronger than the previous types. Some of its characterizations, connections with known ones and the effect of them on some topological spaces are studied .
    • A New Liquid Membrane Electrode For Selective Determination Of Caffeine 

      Hassan, S. S. M. [سعد السيد محمد حسن]; Saoudi, M. M. ( Qatar University , 1984 , Article)
      A new liquid membrane electrode for caffeine prepared from a solution of caffeine-picrylsulfonate ion-pair complex in n-octanol is developed. It exhibits Nernstian response in the range of 10'2 to lO^M caffeine with a ...
    • Single Cell Protein Production From Beet Pulp By Mixed Culture 

      Ghanem, K. M. [خالد محمد غانم] ( Qatar University , 1992 , Article)
      A mixed culture of Trichoderma reeseiand Kluyveromyces marxianuswas found to be more efficient for single cell protein (SCP) production (51%) from beet pulp (BP) than the other tested mixed cultures containing T. reeseior ...
    • Electrical Properties Of The Lower Eocene Rocks In Qatar 

      El Sayed, Abdel Moktader A. [عبد المقتدر عبد العزيز السيد] ( Qatar University , 1987 , Article)
      Thirteen limestone samples representing the Rus Formation (Lower Eocene) are selected' from four locations in Qatar Peninsula. These samples are subjected to electrical resistivity, porosity, shaliness factor and water ...
    • The Optical and Electrical Properties of Low Density Polyethylene Films in CuSo4 Solution 

      Al Naimi, Sabah M. [صباح النعيمي] ( Qatar University , 2005 , Article)
      The optical and electrical properties of pure and treated low density polyethylene (LDpE) were investigated. These measurements have been carried out at various times of immersion for LDPE films in 10% solution of CuSO+. ...
    • Threshold Modelling Of Ship's Dynamics 

      Thanoon, B. Y. [باسل يوتس ذنون] ( Qatar University , 1995 , Article)
      In this paper we consider an application of a system called threshold system in the field of marine engineering. Properties of this system are discussed and the idea of the impulse response function of threshold system is ...