Preface : Product Lifecycle Management. PLM in Transition Times: The Place of Humans and Transformative Technologies
Humanity is facing crises in many areas (health, environment, wars, social risks, etc.) which are reaching the end of the convergence cycle towards the globalisation model. These crises require us to think of the world in a transitional mode. Industrial systems for the production of goods and services are not spared this need for transition. The PLM conference series is completely dedicated to support production systems to meet emerging challenges. The concept of Industry 4.0 was introduced in Western countries to bridge the digital divide but has already been overtaken by the idea of a people-centred industry, which some call Industry 5.0. In this context, it seemed reasonable in 2022 to approach product and service lifecycle management from the perspective of PLM in transition times, and particularly the place of humans and transformative technologies. After the first wave of the COVID-19 crisis restricting our social life and freedom of movement, while information technology kept communication alive during the pandemic, PLM 2022 returned to the tradition of face-to-face conferences. This is not a step backwards. The place of people and social relations in the face of technology remains an imperative. For PLM, a conference is still a networking activity which leads to synergies between industrialists and academics, and while videoconferencing can maintain existing relationships it does not yet allow for the creation of new permanent contacts.
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