Punishment of Apostasy between Denial and Confirmation
المؤلف | Dari, Hasan Yousef |
المؤلف | Hawwa, Mohammad Saeed |
تاريخ الإتاحة | 2025-01-21T07:06:04Z |
تاريخ النشر | 2021-05 |
اسم المنشور | British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences |
الرقم المعياري الدولي للكتاب | 2048-1268 |
الملخص | The issue of individual Apostasy punishment, disconnected with announcing war, or spoiling values on earth is considered one of the thorny intellectual issues in the Islamic Jurisprudence; for it is overpowered by the principle of the safeguarded religious freedom in Islam, and principle of responsibility of man for his actions at what may expose the community to danger. So this study did present evidences of confirmatives, and it had been performed on a group of confirmative hypothetical talks, or hypothetical significance, also present the denial evidences, that initially depended on the invented understanding from the verses of the Holy Qura’n, assertion of the religious freedom, and man is not punished, in this life of the world, for his thinking and choice, but punished for his behavior only; to determine the prominence of this last opinion. |
اللغة | en |
الناشر | British Academic Journals |
الموضوع | Punishment Apostasy Denial Confirmation |
النوع | Article |
الصفحات | 60-79 |
رقم العدد | 1 |
رقم المجلد | 25 |
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