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Available date2025-02-04T05:47:35Z
Publication Date2017-04-17
DescriptionUndergraduate students at Qatar University College of Law aim to simplify law for everyone through user-friendly technologies. In November 2016, five law students founded a law technology project, called SIMPLAW, under the guidance and supervision of their professors – Dr Rafael Brown and Dr Charles Schnurman, who both teach in the Lawyering Skills Program of the College of Law.
PublisherDar Al Sharq Group
License rights For purposes of private study, scholarship, and research, you may print or download this content. Publication and/or broadcast in any form requires permission from the copyright holder (if any) and University of Qatar.
SubjectCollege of Law
SIMPLAW project
TitleQU law students simplify law via technology
Alternative TitleThe SIMPLAW project uses an open source markup language that allows for the creation of an interactive expert system, which guides users through a set of questions and arrive at an answer
NewspaperThe Peninsula
dc.accessType Open Access

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