Cryptanalysis of Internet of Health Things Encryption Scheme Based on Chaotic Maps

Munir, NoorKhan, Majid
Hazzazi, Mohammad Mazyad
Aljaedi, Amer
Haj Ismail, Abd Al Karim
Alharbi, Adel R.
Hussain, Iqtadar more authors less authors
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عرض كامل للتسجيلةالملخص
Many encryption algorithms are designed to decrease the probability of cyberattacks by assuring data security as well as system and participant authentication. However, in the development of computer resources cryptanalytical techniques have been developed and performed competitively in information security with good results. In this paper, we reported security flaws in the recently offered encryption technique based on a chaotic map for Internet of Health Things (IoHT) security. The scheme was based on a new chaotic map, modified Mandelbrot set, and conditional shift algorithm asserting the encryption algorithm is secure. We have performed some cryptographic attacks to retrieve the key from the understudy cryptosystem. The key was retrieved in little computation by using a chosen-plaintext attack and one known plaintext ciphertext pair. The minimum execution time of performed attacks indicates the vulnerability of the diffusion-based encryption algorithm. To enhance the security of the understudy cryptographic algorithm, we have also suggested certain improvements.
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