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AuthorLara-Castor, Laura
AuthorO'Hearn, Meghan
AuthorCudhea, Frederick
AuthorMiller, Victoria
AuthorShi, Peilin
AuthorZhang, Jianyi
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AuthorCash, Sean B.
AuthorBarquera, Simon
AuthorMicha, Renata
AuthorMozaffarian, Dariush
AuthorHakeem, Rubina
AuthorMirzaei, Masoud
AuthorNikiema, Laetitia
AuthorManary, Mark
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AuthorJimenez, Elizabeth Yakes
AuthorZugravu, Corina Aurelia
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AuthorSerra-Majem, Lluis
AuthorGunnarsdottir, Ingibjorg
AuthorThorsdottir, Inga
AuthorSteingrimsdottir, Laufey
AuthorStuetz, Wolfgang
AuthorEleraky, Laila
AuthorFreese, Riitta
AuthorErkkola, Maijaliisa
AuthorKorkalo, Liisa
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AuthorEl-Kour, Tatyana
AuthorAli, Jemal Haidar
AuthorBas, Murat
AuthorTrichopoulou, Antonia
Available date2025-03-03T07:10:06Z
Publication Date2025
Publication NameNature Medicine
AbstractThe consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) is associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). However, an updated and comprehensive assessment of the global burden attributable to SSBs remains scarce. Here we estimated SSB-attributable T2D and CVD burdens across 184 countries in 1990 and 2020 globally, regionally and nationally, incorporating data from the Global Dietary Database, jointly stratified by age, sex, educational attainment and urbanicity. In 2020, 2.2 million (95% uncertainty interval 2.0-2.3) new T2D cases and 1.2 million (95% uncertainty interval 1.1-1.3) new CVD cases were attributable to SSBs worldwide, representing 9.8% and 3.1%, respectively, of all incident cases. Globally, proportional SSB-attributable burdens were higher among men versus women, younger versus older adults, higher- versus lower-educated adults, and adults in urban versus rural areas. By world region, the highest SSB-attributable percentage burdens were in Latin America and the Caribbean (T2D: 24.4%; CVD: 11.3%) and sub-Saharan Africa (T2D: 21.5%; CVD: 10.5%). From 1990 to 2020, the largest proportional increases in SSB-attributable incident T2D and CVD cases were in sub-Saharan Africa (+8.8% and +4.4%, respectively). Our study highlights the countries and subpopulations most affected by cardiometabolic disease associated with SSB consumption, assisting in shaping effective policies and interventions to reduce these burdens globally.
SponsorThe GDD estimates that underlie this research were supported by the Gates Foundation (grant OPP1176682 to D.M.). This analysis was further supported by the American Heart Association (grant 903679 to L.L.-C.) and Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología in Mexico (to L.L.-C.). We acknowledge the Tufts University High Performance Computing Cluster (, which was used for the research reported in this paper. This cluster is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation (grant 2018149) and is under active development by Research Technology, Tufts Technology Services. The funding agencies had no role in the design of the study; collection, management, analysis or interpretation of the data; preparation, review or approval of the paper; or decision to submit for publication.
PublisherNature Research
TitleBurdens of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease attributable to sugar-sweetened beverages in 184 countries
dc.accessType Open Access

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