Kinetics of CO 2 reaction with N-methyldiethanolamine and aminobutanol using stopped flow technique
Removal of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from natural gas streams is mandatory to avoid pipeline corrosion, increase the heating value of the gas and reduce the gas volume in case of liquefied natural gas (LNG). The use of N-Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) solution combined with other rate promoters such as Piperazine (PZ) is a common practice in Gas treatment technology. In this work, the use of Aminobutanol (AB) mixed with MDEA for the removal of (CO 2 ) from natural gas streams is presented. The reaction kinetics of (CO 2 ) with mixtures of MDEA and AB was investigated using stopped flow technique. The experiments were performed over a temperature range of 293 to 313 K and solution concentration of 0.5 and 1 moles/l in different MDEA/AB proportions. Obtained kinetics data were interpreted using zwitterion mechanisms for the primary amine AB. The individual rate constants of the participating reactions were regressed and their corresponding activation energies were estimated. ? Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
- Chemical Engineering [1175 items ]
- GPC Research [499 items ]