Social work practices and enabling the integration of students from war and conflict zones
Until recently, few studies have examined international students’ social issues and well-being from war and conflict zones. A significant proportion of international students in Turkey have arrived from countries actively engaged in conflict; however, it is unclear how social work procedures have effectively addressed students’ needs and ability to cope after migrating. This quantitative study aimed to identify the challenges and well-being issues of 63 Syrian students who have recently integrated into Turkey. The investigation took place at Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University in Turkey, during the 2017–2018 academic year. The research is based on two measurement scales and a questionnaire. Results were analyzed using independent t-test samples and found that social workers faced challenges in integrating the students. A lack of participation in social activities and cultural challenges are common problems faced by these students. Traditional support methods were effective strategies for overcoming new social environments. The effectiveness of social work intervention is reviewed further.
- Social Sciences [98 items ]