CE-D2D: Collaborative and Popularity-aware Proactive Chunks Caching in Edge Networks
Leveraging video caching to collaborative Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) servers is an emerging paradigm, where cloud computing services are extended to edge networks to allocate multimedia contents close to end-users. However, despite minimizing the traffic over the content delivery networks (CDN), congestions may occur in peak hours characterized by high load demands. Involving users' devices in data offloading through Device-to-Device (D2D) connections has proved its efficiency in relieving the cellular spectrum utilization. In this paper, the Collaborative Edge network (CE) and the devices (D2D) cluster are combined to form a CE-D2D framework aiming at maximizing video caching and efficiently using cellular and backhaul bandwidths. However, since we are dealing with large sized contents, the small storage and bandwidth capacities offered by users limit the number of cached videos and restrict offloading large volume data. This makes the CE-D2D framework, so far, an incomplete solution for multimedia contents. Therefore, we propose a caching strategy to cache only the chunks of videos to be watched and instead of caching or offloading each video content by one edge node (as performed in literature), helpers (MEC and mobiles) will collaborate to store and share different chunks to optimize the storage/transmission resources usage. In this work, we model both CE and D2D frameworks as linear programs and schedule the collaboration between them constrained by resource availability. Due to the NP-hardness of the problem, we introduce an online heuristic that presents a proactive chunks caching (HLPC) and a near-optimal data offloading with polynomial complexity. 2020 IEEE.
- Computer Science & Engineering [2416 items ]