An Arab registry for type 1 diabetes: global benefits for type 1 diabetes patients
The Arab world encompasses twenty-two Arabic-speaking countries, where the rate of consanguinity can exceed 50%. Type 1 diabetes (T1D), a chronic disorder that requires lifelong treatment, is believed to be largely due to genetic predisposition. The objective of this review is to discuss the benefits of establishing an Arab population-based diabetes registry, which will provide a reference for T1D prevalence and incidence.
An online search was carried out through various websites, including PubMed, government, hospitals and health ministries of the 22 Arab countries to understand the reporting activities of diabetes in the Arab world.
The prevalence and incidence of T1D is variable among Arabs, with the availability of only a few national/regional diabetes registries to support diabetes research, provide reliable data, and to cope with the widespread threat of this disease. Hence, the need of establishing a population based Arab diabetes registry.
- Biological & Environmental Sciences [927 items ]