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AuthorDjukic, Ika
AuthorKepfer-Rojas, Sebastian
AuthorSchmidt, Inger Kappel
AuthorLarsen, Klaus Steenberg
AuthorBeier, Claus
AuthorBerg, Björn
AuthorVerheyen, Kris
AuthorCaliman, Adriano
AuthorPaquette, Alain
AuthorGutiérrez-Girón, Alba
AuthorHumber, Alberto
AuthorValdecantos, Alejandro
AuthorPetraglia, Alessandro
AuthorAlexander, Heather
AuthorAugustaitis, Algirdas
AuthorSaillard, Amélie
AuthorFernández, Ana Carolina Ruiz
AuthorSousa, Ana I.
AuthorLillebø, Ana I.
Authorda Rocha Gripp, Anderson
AuthorFrancez, André Jean
AuthorFischer, Andrea
AuthorBohner, Andreas
AuthorMalyshev, Andrey
AuthorAndrić, Andrijana
AuthorSmith, Andy
AuthorStanisci, Angela
AuthorSeres, Anikó
AuthorSchmidt, Anja
AuthorAvila, Anna
AuthorProbst, Anne
AuthorOuin, Annie
AuthorKhuroo, Anzar A.
AuthorVerstraeten, Arne
AuthorPalabral-Aguilera, Arely N.
AuthorStefanski, Artur
AuthorGaxiola, Aurora
AuthorMuys, Bart
AuthorBosman, Bernard
AuthorAhrends, Bernd
AuthorParker, Bill
AuthorSattler, Birgit
AuthorYang, Bo
AuthorJuráni, Bohdan
AuthorErschbamer, Brigitta
AuthorOrtiz, Carmen Eugenia Rodriguez
AuthorChristiansen, Casper T.
AuthorCarol Adair, E.
AuthorMeredieu, Céline
AuthorMony, Cendrine
AuthorNock, Charles A.
AuthorChen, Chi Ling
AuthorWang, Chiao Ping
AuthorBaum, Christel
AuthorRixen, Christian
AuthorDelire, Christine
AuthorPiscart, Christophe
AuthorAndrews, Christopher
AuthorRebmann, Corinna
AuthorBranquinho, Cristina
AuthorPolyanskaya, Dana
AuthorDelgado, David Fuentes
AuthorWundram, Dirk
AuthorRadeideh, Diyaa
AuthorOrdóñez-Regil, Eduardo
AuthorCrawford, Edward
AuthorPreda, Elena
AuthorTropina, Elena
AuthorGroner, Elli
AuthorLucot, Eric
AuthorHornung, Erzsébet
AuthorGacia, Esperança
AuthorLévesque, Esther
AuthorBenedito, Evanilde
AuthorDavydov, Evgeny A.
AuthorAmpoorter, Evy
AuthorBolzan, Fabio Padilha
AuthorVarela, Felipe
AuthorKristöfel, Ferdinand
AuthorMaestre, Fernando T.
AuthorMaunoury-Danger, Florence
AuthorHofhansl, Florian
AuthorKitz, Florian
AuthorSutter, Flurin
AuthorCuesta, Francisco
Authorde Almeida Lobo, Francisco
Authorde Souza, Franco Leandro
AuthorBerninger, Frank
AuthorZehetner, Franz
AuthorWohlfahrt, Georg
AuthorVourlitis, George
AuthorCarreño-Rocabado, Geovana
AuthorArena, Gina
AuthorPinha, Gisele Daiane
AuthorGonzález, Grizelle
AuthorCanut, Guylaine
AuthorLee, Hanna
AuthorVerbeeck, Hans
AuthorAuge, Harald
AuthorPauli, Harald
Available date2019-09-15T08:33:40Z
Publication Date2018-07-01
Publication NameScience of the Total Environment
CitationDjukic, Ika & kepfer rojas, Sebastian & Schmidt, Inger & Larsen, Klaus & Beier, Claus & Berg, Björn & Verheyen, Kris & Luo, Wentao. (2018). Early stage litter decomposition across biomes. Science Total Enviroment .. Science of The Total Environment.
Abstract© 2018 Elsevier B.V. Through litter decomposition enormous amounts of carbon is emitted to the atmosphere. Numerous large-scale decomposition experiments have been conducted focusing on this fundamental soil process in order to understand the controls on the terrestrial carbon transfer to the atmosphere. However, previous studies were mostly based on site-specific litter and methodologies, adding major uncertainty to syntheses, comparisons and meta-analyses across different experiments and sites. In the TeaComposition initiative, the potential litter decomposition is investigated by using standardized substrates (Rooibos and Green tea) for comparison of litter mass loss at 336 sites (ranging from −9 to +26 °C MAT and from 60 to 3113 mm MAP) across different ecosystems. In this study we tested the effect of climate (temperature and moisture), litter type and land-use on early stage decomposition (3 months) across nine biomes. We show that litter quality was the predominant controlling factor in early stage litter decomposition, which explained about 65% of the variability in litter decomposition at a global scale. The effect of climate, on the other hand, was not litter specific and explained <0.5% of the variation for Green tea and 5% for Rooibos tea, and was of significance only under unfavorable decomposition conditions (i.e. xeric versus mesic environments). When the data were aggregated at the biome scale, climate played a significant role on decomposition of both litter types (explaining 64% of the variation for Green tea and 72% for Rooibos tea). No significant effect of land-use on early stage litter decomposition was noted within the temperate biome. Our results indicate that multiple drivers are affecting early stage litter mass loss with litter quality being dominant. In order to be able to quantify the relative importance of the different drivers over time, long-term studies combined with experimental trials are needed.
PublisherElsevier B.V.
SubjectCarbon turnover
Green tea
Rooibos tea
Tea bag
TeaComposition initiative
TitleEarly stage litter decomposition across biomes
Volume Number628-629
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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