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AuthorAmir M.
AuthorBedeer E.
AuthorAhmed M.H.
AuthorKhattab T.
Available date2020-02-05T08:53:05Z
Publication Date2018
Publication NameIEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC
Publication Name28th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2017
AbstractProactive caching is a promising technique used to minimize peak traffic rates by storing popular data, in advance, at different nodes in the network. We study a cellular network with one base station (BS) communicating with multiple mobile units (MUs). The BS has a number of cached files to be delivered to the MUs upon demand, and the popularities of these files are changing over time. We show that proactively and constantly updating the MU finite caches and jointly encoding the delivery of different demanded files to the MUs over different time slots minimize the delivery sum rate. We propose two different schemes for a two different scenarios, where the file popularities over time can be either arbitrary increasing or decreasing for the first scheme and decreases with demand for the second scheme. Numerical results show the benefits of the proposed schemes, over conventional caching schemes, in terms of reducing the delivery sum rate. 2017 IEEE.
SponsorThis work is supported by NSERC discovery grant. The research work of Tamer Khattab was made possible by grant number NPRP 7-923-2-344 from Qatar National Research Fund, QNRF (a member of the Qatar Foundation, QF). The statements made herein are the sole responsibility
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
TitleJoint coding for proactive caching with changing file popularities
TypeConference Paper
Volume Number2017-October
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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