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AuthorRahme S.
AuthorMeskin N.
AuthorMohammadpour J.
Available date2020-03-03T06:19:06Z
Publication Date2018
Publication NameProceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems
AbstractThis paper presents an adaptive sliding mode observer for actuator fault diagnosis of linear parameter-varying (LPV) systems with imperfectly measured scheduling variables due to noisy or faulty measurements. The developed adaptive observer is able to cope with bounded uncertainties and faults without a priori knowledge of their bounds. Moreover, the actuator fault can be estimated from the principle of equivalent control after minimizing the effect of the scheduling variable uncertainties. The performance of the proposed design approach is validated using simulation studies.
SponsorThis publication was made possible by NPRP grant No. 5-574-2-233 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation).
PublisherIEEE Computer Society
SubjectSliding Mode
LPV Systems
TitleAdaptive Sliding Mode Fault Diagnosis for LPV Systems with Uncertain Scheduling Variables
Pagination73 - 78
Volume Number2018-July
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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