On the Achievable Degrees of Freedom of a Relay Aided X-Channel
المؤلف | Abumaali D. |
المؤلف | Badawy A. |
المؤلف | Khattab T. |
تاريخ الإتاحة | 2020-03-03T06:19:37Z |
تاريخ النشر | 2018 |
اسم المنشور | 2018 14th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC 2018 |
المصدر | Scopus |
الملخص | In this paper, we investigate the effect of a relay on the Degrees of Freedom (DoF) of a single input single output (SISO) X-channel with no channel state information at transmitters (CSIT). In contrast to previous work, which focused on two antennas at the relay to achieve the optimal 4/3 DoF, we focus on the case of a single antenna half duplex relay. We show that with a single antenna relay and delayed output feedback, the upper bound of 4/3 DoF for the X-channel is achievable and we propose the achievability scheme. Moreover, we study the alternating CSIT availability distribution for the SISO X-channel and provide few remarks on the achievability of the optimal DoF. |
راعي المشروع | This research work was made possible by grant number NPRP 7-923-2-344 from the Qatar National Research Fund, QNRF (a member of the Qatar Foundation, QF). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors. |
اللغة | en |
الناشر | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. |
الموضوع | asymptotic network capacity. Degrees of Freedom (DoF) relay channel X-channel |
النوع | Conference |
الصفحات | 823 - 827 |
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