Insights into the Effects of Electrolyte Composition on the Performance and Stability of FeF 2 Conversion-Type Cathodes
Huang Q.Turcheniuk K.
Ren X.
Magasinski A.
Gordon D.
Bensalah N.
Yushin G. more authors less authors
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As an alternative to commercial Ni- and Co-based intercalation-type cathode materials, conversion-type metal fluoride (MF x ) cathodes are attracting more interest due to their promises to increase cell-level energy density when coupled with lithium (Li) or silicon (Si)-based anodes. Among metal fluorides, iron fluorides (FeF 2 and FeF 3 ) are regarded as some of the most promising candidates due to their high capacity, moderately high potential and the very low cost of Fe. In this study, the impacts of electrolyte composition on the performance and stability of nanostructured FeF 2 cathodes are systematically investigated. Dramatic impacts of Li salt composition, Li salt concentration, solvent composition, and cycling potential range on the cathode's most critical performance parameters-stability, capacity, rate, and voltage hysteresis are discovered. In contrast to previous beliefs, it is observed that even if the Fe 2+ cation dissolution could be avoided, the dissolution of F ? anions may still negatively affect cathode performance. Formation of the more favorable cathode solid electrolyte interface (CEI) is found to minimize both processes.
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