Top Search Terms

Search TermSearches% of TotalPageviews / Search
1 dateIssued_keyword:2003 273 24.80% 0.00
2 type_keyword:Article 232 21.07% 0.00
3 has_content_in_original_bundle_keyword:true 185 16.80% 0.00
4 subject_keyword:القانون 168 15.26% 0.00
5 subject_keyword:Sociology 117 10.63% 0.00
6 subject_keyword:Islamic Philosophy 113 10.26% 0.00
7 subject_keyword:علم الاجتماع 107 9.72% 0.00
8 author_authority:(f70fccbd-e20b-478b-a3f1-d7a59ec507fa) 98 8.90% 0.00
9 author_authority:(1ea58030-f2bd-4ae8-9809-62572518f9a4) 71 6.45% 0.00
10 author_authority:(6d7f317a-4c92-4316-aa7e-0c4a22283809) 70 6.36% 0.00


Searches% of TotalPageviews / Search
1101 100.00% 0.00