Generative Adversarial Networks Based Reconstruction and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
Cultural heritage takes an important part in defining the identity and the
history of a civilization or a nation. Valuing and preserving this heritage is thus a top
priority for governments and heritage institutions. Through this paper, we present an
image completion (inpainting) approach adapted for the curation and the completion
of damaged artwork. Our approach uses a set of machine learning techniques such as
Generative Adversarial Networks which are among the most powerful generative
models that can be trained to generate realistic data samples. As we are focusing
mostly on visual cultural heritage, the pipeline of our framework has many
optimizations such as the use of clustering to optimize the training of the generative
part to ensure a better performance across a variety of cultural data categories. The
experimental results of our framework were validated on cultural dataset of paintings
collected from Wiki-Art and the Rijksmuseum. We used the divide-and-conquer
strategy by clustering the training data into different small clusters containing
similarly looking images to train smaller Specialized DCGANs. The training has been
made on five painting categories containing 2000 paintings each, which took an
average of 6.1 training hours. Training the Specialized DCGAN on 1200 paintings
from one of the clusters took 3.4 training hours. The inpainting results of the
Specialized DCGANs are clearly better in quality than the results of a DCGAN
trained on mixture of paintings or on painting category.
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