Performance Evaluation for the HIV And Syphilis Detection Protocols Used By The Medical Commission Diagnostic Laboratory In Qatar
Background: The Medical Commission is responsible for screening all newcomers and
expatriates in Doha, Qatar to ensure that infectious diseases do not enter the country.
The infectious disease tests include; HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis, and
Tuberculosis. Aim: In this study, we aim to evaluate the diagnostic efficiency of the
protocols used in the Medical Commission for the diagnosis of HIV and Syphilis using
specific statistical measures. Methodology: The replicates of ELISA reading was
analyzed and used for repeatability and reproducibility purpose. For RPR testing, a total
of 198 syphilis reactive samples during the period of January 2019 to December 2019
were included in this study. Results: HIV screening retrospective data has been
collected from a total of 585,587 individuals who visited the Medical Commission, in
which 595 were positive for HIV. The assays obtained from these individuals for HIV
were analyzed and compared to each other to test the reproducibility and cost
effectiveness of this diagnosis protocol. Two rounds of HIV diagnostic results showed
a 99.83% agreement (overall and positive percent agreements; 95% CI, 99.05-99.97%).
For syphilis analysis, data were obtained from the RPR test performed on 198 blood
samples. In line with this, the overall percent agreement between the two RPR dilution2 and TPA Elisa was 36.55% (95% CI; 30.14%-43.47%), whereas the positive percent
agreement was 100% (94.93%-100%). In order to ensure true positives, PPV results
were obtained and were found similar to the overall percent agreement of the RPR
dilution 2 and TBA ELISA i.e. 36.55% (30.14%-43.47%). Conclusion: The medical
commission used highly performance techniques that are reliable and efficient for
screening of STDs. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to test the agreement of
these tests with other confirmatory tests done at Hamad Medical Corporation.
- Biomedical Sciences [66 items ]