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AuthorAytekin, Caglar
AuthorIosifidis, Alexandros
AuthorKiranyaz, Serkan
AuthorGabbouj, Moncef
Available date2021-07-01T05:48:08Z
Publication Date2016
Publication NameProceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a graph affinity learning method for a recently proposed graph-based salient object detection method, namely Extended Quantum Cuts (EQCut). We exploit the fact that the output of EQCut is differentiable with respect to graph affinities, in order to optimize linear combination coefficients and parameters of several differentiable affinity functions by applying error backpropagation. We show that the learnt linear combination of affinities improves the performance over the baseline method and achieves comparable (or even better) performance when compared to the state-of-the-art salient object segmentation methods.
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
SubjectGraph affinity learning
Salient object segmentation
Spectral graph theory
TitleSalient object segmentation based on linearly combined affinity graphs
Volume Number0

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