Browsing English Literature & Linguistics by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 105
A brief self-rating scale for the assessment of individual differences in gesture perception and production
( Elsevier , 2015 , Article)Gesture production and perception have a strong impact on speech perception and social-communicative functioning. Consequently, we created the 'Brief Assessment of Gesture' (BAG) tool, a set of 12 subjective statements ... -
A linguistically-driven response categorisation protocol for Arabic nouns and verbs: clinical and research applications
( Taylor and Francis Ltd , 2020 , Article)Research into language breakdown in Arabic has been growing in the last two decades. The field, however, remains challenged by the lack of assessment materials, normative databases, and standards for categorising responses ... -
A rating scale for the assessment of objective and subjective formal thought and language disorder (TALD)
( Elsevier , 2014 , Article)Formal thought disorder (FTD) is a core syndrome of schizophrenia. However, patients with other diagnoses, such as mania and depression amongst others, also present with FTD. We introduce a novel, comprehensive clinical ... -
Baseline data for Arabic acquisition with clinical applications: Some phonological processes in Qatari children’s speech
( LAR Center Press , 2012 , Article)This paper has two aims. The first is to inform our language acquisition colleagues about the “Baseline Data for Arabic Acquisition with Clinical Applications” project, which is a multi-institutional and international ... -
Beyond dichotomies: a female Qatari’s negotiation of gender and professional identity
( Equinox Publishing Ltd , 2022 , Article)Most research on gender in the Middle Eastern workplace treats gender identities in relation to the polarity of ‘tradition’ and ‘modernity’. Although some of these studies take a critical perspective, they largely ignore ... -
Blue-collar workplace communicative practices: a case study in construction sites in Qatar
( Springer Netherlands , 2019 , Article)The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the role of language in multilingual blue-collar workplaces by investigating how communication is realized in construction sites in Qatar. The State of Qatar ... -
Blurring the Contours of Memory in June Jordan's Soldier: A Poet's Childhood
( Routledge , 2019 , Article)Located at the crossroads of fact and fiction and relying on memory, autobiography defies easy categorization. This paper examines June Jordan's Soldier: A Poet's Childhood (2000). Jordan situates herself vis-à-vis her ... -
Borrowed words in Qatari Arabic: A case study of knowledge of meaning and knowledge of origin by Qataris
( University of Akron , 2017 , Article)Linguistic borrowing is a common, universal and intensively studied phenomenon. It is of interest to investigate this practice and its patterns in Qatari Arabic and to know to what extent the Qataris know the meaning and ... -
Borrowed Words In Qatari Dialect: A Case Study
( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2014 , Conference)According to Graddol (2004) "The world's language system is undergoing rapid change because of demographic trends, new technology, and international communication. These changes will affect both written and spoken ... -
Can the word superiority effect be modulated by serial position and prosodic structure?
( Frontiers Media , 2022 , Article)In this study, we examined the word superiority effect in Arabic and English, two languages with significantly different morphological and writing systems. Thirty-two Arabic-English bilingual speakers performed a post-cued ... -
Collaborative translation of Wikipedia: with whom do trainee translators collaborate and for what purpose?
( Routledge , 2022 , Article)This study aims to establish a model of collaboration that illustrates the various channels of collaboration that (trainee) translators go through in the course of translation, who they collaborate with, and why they choose ... -
Creativity/Productivity of Child's Language: A Case of Qatari Dialect
( Qatar University , 1999 , Article) -
Crisis translation in Yemen: Needs and challenges of volunteer translators and interpreters
( Routledge , 2019 , Book chapter)This chapter reports on the findings of a qualitative study undertaken with the aim of examining the status of crisis translators and interpreters (T&Is) in Yemen. The study aimed to ascertain how they perceive their role ... -
“DELIVER AMAZING”: Qatar as a branded architectural discourse in World Cup 2022
( Routledge , 2020 , Book chapter)Qatar brands itself as a projected-in-the-future proud cosmopolitan and progressive country ready to host World Cup 2022. The branding practices, whereby this projection takes place, are the focus of Irene Theodoropoulou’s ... -
Developmental Stages of the Acquisition of Negation and interrogation by Children Native Speakers of Qatari Dialect
( Qatar University , 2002 , Article)The developmental stages of Qatari Dialect interrogatives and negatives are described in this paper. Four children were included in this study, ranging in age from one year and six months to nine years. According to the ... -
Discourse relation recognition in translation: a relevance-theory perspective
( Routledge , 2016 , Article)The use of discourse markers in argumentation is an area in which the rhetorical traditions of Arabic and English diverge. While English allows implicit logical links, Arabic demands explicitly marked coherence. Such ... -
Distinct neuropsychological correlates in positive and negative formal thought disorder syndromes: The thought and language disorder scale in endogenous psychoses
( S. Karger AG , 2016 , Article Review)The correlation of formal thought disorder (FTD) symptoms and subsyndromes with neuropsychological dimensions is as yet unclear. Evidence for a dysexecutive syndrome and semantic access impairments has been discussed in ... -
Effect of emphasis spread on coronal stop articulation in Qatari Arabic
( Linguistic Society of America , 2020 , Conference)Emphasis (contrastive uvularisation) in Arabic spreads from an emphatic consonant to neighboring segments (Davis1995). The effect of emphasis spread on a consonant is manifested as lowering of its spectral mean (Jongman ... -
Effect of emphasis spread on VOT in coronal stops in Qatari Arabic
( Cambridge University Press , 2021 , Article)Emphasis (contrastive pharyngealization of coronals) in Arabic spreads from an emphatic consonant to neighboring segments. Previous research suggests that in addition to changing spectral characteristics of adjacent segments, ... -
The Effects of Transit Oriented Development on Liveability of Mixed-Use Neighbourhoods in Qatar: A Case Study of Doha’s Najma and Al Mansoura Neighbourhoods
( Cogitatio Press , 2022 , Article)Since the 1970s, Qatar’s rapid urban growth has resulted in a segregated and poorly connected urban form, particularly in the country’s capital, Doha. Although the recent opening of the Doha Metro has begun to mitigate ...