Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Imageability, familiarity, and age of acquisition ratings for Arabic abstract nouns, abstract verbs and adjectives
John Benjamins Publishing Company
, 2018 , Article)
To date, normative psycholinguistics research has mainly focused on establishing norms for producing databases for concrete words using standardized pictures, while abstract words have been subject to much less attention. ...
Lexical retrieval after Arabic aphasia: Syntactic access and predictors of spoken naming
Elsevier Ltd
, 2017 , Article)
Research into anomia has been carried out in English and many Indo-European languages extensively, but not in Arabic. Previous studies have investigated predictors of successful lexical retrieval after anomia, and access ...
Voice and Emphasis in Arabic Coronal Stops: Evidence for Phonological Compensation
, 2021 , Article)
The current study investigates multiple acoustic cues–voice onset time (VOT), spectral center of gravity (SCG) of burst, pitch (F0), and frequencies of the first (F1) and second (F2) formants at vowel onset—associated with ...
Can the word superiority effect be modulated by serial position and prosodic structure?
Frontiers Media
, 2022 , Article)
In this study, we examined the word superiority effect in Arabic and English, two languages with significantly different morphological and writing systems. Thirty-two Arabic-English bilingual speakers performed a post-cued ...
Processing passive constructions in arabic and english a crosslanguage priming study
Georgetown University Press
, 2019 , Article)
The English and Arabic languages each have passive constructions, but their realizations in the two languages are quite different. We carried out a syntactic priming experiment on Arabic-English bilinguals to investigate ...
Representing number in the real-time processing of agreement: self-paced reading evidence from Arabic
Frontiers Media
, 2015 , Article)
In the processing of subject-verb agreement, non-subject plural nouns following a singular subject sometimes “attract” the agreement with the verb, despite not being grammatically licensed to do so. This phenomenon generates ...
Mediation effect of L2 English in acquisition of front rounded vowels in L3 Turkish by L1 Arabic learners
(2018 , Conference)
В статье рассматривается модель усвоения фонетических категорий в третьем
языке. Результаты эксперимента показывают, что второй язык может оказывать
большее влияние на процесс усвоения фонетических категорий, чем родной язык
Effect of emphasis spread on coronal stop articulation in Qatari Arabic
Linguistic Society of America
, 2020 , Conference)
Emphasis (contrastive uvularisation) in Arabic spreads from an emphatic consonant to neighboring segments (Davis1995). The effect of emphasis spread on a consonant is manifested as lowering of its spectral mean (Jongman ...