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AuthorBrandão, Lucas André Cavalcanti
AuthorTricarico, Paola Maura
AuthorGratton, Rossella
AuthorAgrelli, Almerinda
AuthorZupin, Luisa
AuthorAbou-Saleh, Haissam
AuthorMoura, Ronald
AuthorCrovella, Sergio
Available date2022-01-25T05:01:11Z
Publication Date2021-02-02
Publication NameInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences
CitationBrandão, L.A.C.; Tricarico, P.M.; Gratton, R.; Agrelli, A.; Zupin, L.; Abou-Saleh, H.; Moura, R.; Crovella, S. Multiomics Integration in Skin Diseases with Alterations in Notch Signaling Pathway: PlatOMICs Phase 1 Deployment. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 1523.
AbstractThe high volume of information produced in the age of omics was and still is an important step to understanding several pathological processes, providing the enlightenment of complex molecular networks and the identification of molecular targets associated with many diseases. Despite these remarkable scientific advances, the majority of the results are disconnected and divergent, making their use limited. Skin diseases with alterations in the Notch signaling pathway were extensively studied during the omics era. In the GWAS Catalog, considering only studies on genomics association (GWAS), several works were deposited, some of which with divergent results. In addition, there are thousands of scientific articles available about these skin diseases. In our study, we focused our attention on skin diseases characterized by the impairment of Notch signaling, this pathway being of pivotal importance in the context of epithelial disorders. We considered the pathologies of five human skin diseases, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Dowling Degos Disease, Adams-Oliver Syndrome, Psoriasis, and Atopic Dermatitis, in which the molecular alterations in the Notch signaling pathway have been reported. To this end, we started developing a new multiomics platform, PlatOMICs, to integrate and re-analyze omics information, searching for the molecular interactions involved in the pathogenesis of skin diseases with alterations in the Notch signaling pathway.
SponsorThis work was supported by a grant from the Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo/Italian Ministry of Health” (BioHub 03/20), by the grant Interreg Italia-Slovenia, ISE-EMH 07/2019 and by CNPq (311415/2020-2).
Network interaction
Skin diseases
TitleMultiomics integration in skin diseases with alterations in notch signaling pathway: PlatOMICs phase 1 deployment
TypeArticle Review
Issue Number4
Volume Number22
dc.accessType Open Access

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