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AuthorRiyaz, Ahmed
AuthorSadhu, Pradip Kumar
AuthorIqbal, Atif
AuthorTariq, Mohd
AuthorUrooj, Shabana
AuthorAlrowais, Fadwa
Available date2022-02-27T05:38:26Z
Publication Date2021
Publication NameFrontiers in Energy Research
AbstractContinuous power supply in an integrated electric system supplied by solar energy and battery storage can be optimally maintained with the use of diesel generators. This article discusses the optimum setting-point for isolated wind, photo-voltaic, diesel, and battery storage electric grid systems. Optimal energy supply for hybrid grid systems means that the load is sufficient for 24 h. This study aims to integrate the battery deprivation costs and the fuel price feature in the optimization model for the hybrid grid. In order to count charge-discharge cycles and measure battery deprivation, the genetic algorithm concept is utilized. To solve the target function, an ANN-based algorithm with genetic coefficients can also be used to optimize the power management system. In the objective function, a weight factor is proposed. Specific weight factor values are considered for simulation studies. On the algorithm actions, charging status, and its implications for the optimized expense of the hybrid grid, the weight factor effect is measured.
SponsorThis research was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University through the Fast-track Research Funding Program.
PublisherFrontiers Media S.A.
battery deprivation cost
genetic algorithm
hybrid energy source
hybrid grid energy system
TitlePower Management of Hybrid Grid System With Battery Deprivation Cost Using Artificial Neural Network
Volume Number9
dc.accessType Open Access

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