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AuthorMeskin, Nader
AuthorKhorasani, K.
Available date2022-04-14T08:45:47Z
Publication Date2011
Publication NameIEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
AbstractThis technical note investigates the development of fault detection and isolation (FDI) filters for linear impulsive systems. The concept of an unobservability subspace is introduced for linear impulsive systems and an algorithm for its construction is described. The necessary and sufficient conditions for solvability of the fundamental problem of residual generation for linear impulsive systems are obtained by utilizing our introduced unobservability subspace. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed FDI strategy. 2010 IEEE.
SubjectFault detection and isolation
Fundamental problem
Geometric FDI
Linear impulsive
Residual generation
Simulation result
Sufficient conditions
Technical notes
Unobservability subspaces
Lyapunov methods
Fault detection
TitleFault detection and isolation of linear impulsive systems
Issue Number8
Volume Number56
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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