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AuthorOmri A.
AuthorHasna , Mazen
AuthorLetaief K.B.
Available date2022-04-26T11:06:48Z
Publication Date2015
Publication NameIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
AbstractIn this paper, two cooperative communications schemes with inter-relay interference (IRI) management are proposed for wireless multi-user decode-and-forward (DF) relay networks. The schemes are based on a DF half-duplex (HD) relaying protocol and a relay selection method which maximizes the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the second hop. To minimize the IRI, the first scheme [constellation real part (CRP)] uses a new transmission scheme based on the constellation real parts of the modulated signals, and the second scheme [previous message buffering (PMB)] uses a buffering technique at the relays. To assess the performance, we derive the expressions of the average bit error rate (BER) for the proposed schemes. Numerical results are given to confirm the analytical expressions and the advantage of the proposed schemes in enhancing interference management for wireless cooperative networks.
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
SubjectBit error rate
Communication channels (information theory)
Cooperative communication
Digital television
Relay control systems
Analytical expressions
Average bit-error rates
Best-relay selections
Decode and forward
Decode-and-forward relay
Interference management
Transmission schemes
Wireless cooperative networks
Signal to noise ratio
TitleInter-relay interference management schemes for wireless multi-user decode-and-forward relay networks
Issue Number4
Volume Number14
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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