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AuthorHussain S.I.
AuthorAlouini M.-S.
AuthorHasna , Mazen
Available date2022-04-26T11:06:52Z
Publication Date2013
Publication NameWireless Communications and Mobile Computing
AbstractIn cooperative communications, multiple relays between a source and a destination can increase the diversity gain. Because all the nodes must use orthogonal channels, multiple-relay cooperation becomes spectrally inefficient. Therefore, a bestrelay selection scheme was recently proposed. In this paper, we analyzed the performance of this scheme for a system with the relays operating in amplify-and-forward mode over identical Nakagami-m channels using an exact source-relay-destination signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).We derived accurate closed-form expressions for various system parameters including the probability density function of end-to-end SNR, the average output SNR, the bit error probability, and the channel capacity. The analytical results were verified through Monte Carlo simulations.
PublisherWiley Online Library
SubjectAmplify-and-forward mode
Amplify-and-forward relay networks
Best-relay selections
Closed-form expression
Monte Carlo simulations
Nakagami-m fading
Performance analysis
Signaltonoise ratio (SNR)
Bit error rate
Cooperative communication
Monte Carlo methods
Probability density function
Signal to noise ratio
TitlePerformance analysis of selective cooperation in amplify-and-forward relay networks over identical Nakagami-m channels
Issue Number8
Volume Number13

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