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AuthorZhang L.
AuthorYang H.-C.
AuthorHasna , Mazen
Available date2022-04-26T11:06:53Z
Publication Date2012
Publication Name2012 Conference Handbook - Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, APSIPA ASC 2012
AbstractMost performance metrics for cooperative networks focus on the qualification of either spectrum efficiency or link reliability, without considering the spatial effect of radio transmission. Area spectral efficiency (ASE) was first introduced to qualify the spatial spectral utilization efficiency of cellular systems. In this paper, we generalize the definition of ASE and investigate this performance metric in a three-node cooperative network with decode-and-forward (DF) and amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying. We derive the mathematical expression of ASE with the consideration of path-loss and fading effects. We show through selected numerical examples that ASE provides a new perspective on the spectrum utilization efficiency and transmission power design.
SubjectAmplify-and-forward relaying
Area spectral efficiencies
Cellular system
Cooperative networks
Fading effect
Link reliability
Mathematical expressions
Numerical example
Path loss
Performance metrices
Performance metrics
Show through
Spatial effect
Spectral utilization
Spectrum efficiency
Spectrum utilization efficiency
Transmission power
Data processing
Radio transmission
TitleArea spectral efficiency of cooperative network with DF and AF relaying
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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