• Case studies on COVID-19 and environment 

      Shahin, M. D.; Abdullah, Muhammad; Muley, Deepti; Dias, Charitha ( Elsevier , 2021 , Book chapter)
      Coronavirus drastically changes people's travel behavior all over the world. This study aims to investigate the effect of people's adaptive travel behavior on greenhouse gas (GHG) emission in south Asian countries. We ...
    • Pedestrian Crossing (Crosswalk) 

      Miho, Iryo-Asano; Alhajyaseen, Wael K.M.; Suzuki, Koji ( Elsevier , 2021 , Book chapter)
      Pedestrian crossings are facilities for pedestrians to cross at at-grade intersections or road sections safely. At unsignalized crossings, pedestrian safety is ensured by clarifying pedestrian priority with zebra markings, ...