• A Deep Learning Spatiotemporal Prediction Framework for Mobile Crowdsourced Services 

      Ben Said, Ahmed; Erradi, Abdelkarim; Neiat, Azadeh Ghari; Bouguettaya, Athman ( Springer New York LLC , 2019 , Article)
      This papers presents a deep learning-based framework to predict crowdsourced service availability spatially and temporally. A novel two-stage prediction model is introduced based on historical spatio-temporal traces of ...
    • A systematic review of machine learning classification methodologies for modelling passenger mode choice 

      Hillel, Tim; Bierlaire, Michel; Elshafie, Mohammed Z.E.B.; Jin, Ying ( Elsevier , 2021 , Article Review)
      Machine Learning (ML) approaches are increasingly being investigated as an alternative to Random Utility Models (RUMs) for modelling passenger mode choice. These approaches have the potential to provide valuable insights ...
    • achieving Domestic Energy Efficiency Using Micro-Moments and Intelligent Recommendations 

      Alsalemi, Abdullah; Himeur, Yassine; Bensaali, Fayal; Amira, Abbes; Sardianos, Christos; ... more authors ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2020 , Article)
      Excessive domestic energy usage is an impediment towards energy efficiency. Developing countries are expected to witness an unprecedented rise in domestic electricity in the forthcoming decades. a large amount of research ...
    • Appliance identification using a histogram post-processing of 2D local binary patterns for smart grid applications 

      Himeur, Yassine; Alsalemi, Abdullah; Bensaali, Faycal; Amira, Abbes ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Identifying domestic appliances in the smart grid leads to a better power usage management and further helps in detecting appliance-level abnormalities. An efficient identification can be achieved only if a robust feature ...
    • An approach for constructing complex discriminating surfaces based on Bayesian interference of the maximum entropy 

      El Chakik, Fadi; Shahine, Ahmad; Jaam, Jihad; Hasnah, Ahmad ( Elsevier Inc. , 2003 , Article)
      In this paper we present a comprehensive Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) procedure for the classification tasks. This MaxEnt is applied successfully to the problem of estimating the probability distribution function (pdf) of a ...
    • Arrhythmia classification using DWT-coefficient energy ratios 

      Mahgoub, Asma; Tanveer, Adeen; Qidwai, Uvais ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2019 , Conference Paper)
      Certain features present in electrocardiogram (ECG) signals are used to detect different heart conditions. Hence, by developing a system to extract these features, useful information related to the heart conditions could ...
    • Arrhythmia classification using DWT-coefficient energy ratios 

      Mahgoub, Asma; Sofi, Adeen Tanveer; Qidwai, Uvais ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2019 , Conference Paper)
      Certain features present in electrocardiogram (ECG) signals are used to detect different heart conditions. Hence, by developing a system to extract these features, useful information related to the heart conditions could ...
    • Bangla Sign Language (BdSL) Alphabets and Numerals Classification Using a Deep Learning Model 

      Podder, Kanchon K.; Chowdhury, Muhammad E. H.; Tahir, Anas M.; Mahbub, Zaid B.; Khandakar, Amith; ... more authors ( MDPI , 2022 , Article)
      A real-time Bangla Sign Language interpreter can enable more than 200 k hearing and speech-impaired people to the mainstream workforce in Bangladesh. Bangla Sign Language (BdSL) recognition and detection is a challenging ...
    • Budgeted online selection of candidate iot clients to participate in federated learning 

      Mohammed, Ihab; Tabatabai, Shadha; Al-Fuqaha, Ala; Bouanani, Faissal El; Qadir, Junaid; ... more authors ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2021 , Article)
      Machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) in particular, play a vital role in providing smart services to the industry. These techniques, however, suffer from privacy and security concerns since data are collected from ...
    • Compressive SensingBased Remote Monitoring Systems for IoT applications 

      Djelouat, Hamza; Al Disi, MOHAMED; Amira, Abbes; Bensaali, Faycal ( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2018 , Conference Paper)
      Internet of things (IoT) is shifting the healthcare delivery paradigm from in-person encounters between patients and providers to an "anytime, anywhere" model delivery. Connected health has become more profound than ever ...
    • CS-based fall detection for connected health applications 

      Djelouat, Hamza; Baali, Hamza; Amira, Abbes; Bensaali, Faycal ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2017 , Conference Paper)
      Fall-related injuries of elderly people have become a major public-health burden resulting in direct physical, physiological and financial costs to the surfer and indirect societal costs. Automated fall detectors play a ...
    • Detecting different tasks using EEG-source-temporal features 

      Shams, Wafaa Khazaal; Wahab, Abdul; Qidwai, Uvais A. ( Springer Nature , 2012 , Conference Paper)
      This study proposes a new type of features extracted from Electroencephalography (EEG) signals to distinguish between different tasks. EEG signals are collected from six children aged between two to six years old during ...
    • Detection, classification, and estimation in the (t, f ) domain 

      Sayeed, A.M.; Papandreou-Suppappola, A.; Suppappola, S.B.; Xia, X.-G.; Hlawatsch, F.; ... more authors ( Elsevier Inc. , 2016 , Book chapter)
      Several studies involving real-life applications have shown that methods for the detection, estimation, and classification of nonstationary signals can be enhanced by utilizing the time-frequency ((t,f)) characteristics ...
    • DroneRF dataset: A dataset of drones for RF-based detection, classification and identification 

      Allahham M.S.; Al-Sa'd M.F.; Al-Ali A.; Mohamed A.; Khattab T.; ... more authors ( Elsevier Inc. , 2019 , Article)
      Modern technology has pushed us into the information age, making it easier to generate and record vast quantities of new data. Datasets can help in analyzing the situation to give a better understanding, and more importantly, ...
    • Efficient multi-descriptor fusion for non-intrusive appliance recognition 

      Himeur, Yassine; Alsalemi, Abdullah; Bensaali, Faycal; Amira, Abbes ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Consciousness about power consumption at the appliance level can assist user in promoting energy efficiency in households. In this paper, a superior non-intrusive appliance recognition method that can provide particular ...
    • Embedded wearable EEG seizure detection in ambulatory state 

      Shakir, Mohamed; Malik, Aamir Saeed; Kamel, Nidal; Qidwai, Uvais ( UK Simulation Society , 2014 , Article)
      This paper describes a classification method is presented using a Fuzzy System to detect the occurrences of Partial Seizures from Epilepsy data, which can be implemented in any embedded system as a wearable detection system. ...
    • Endorsing domestic energy saving behavior using micro-moment classification 

      Alsalemi A.; Ramadan M.; Bensaali F.; Amira A.; Sardianos C.; ... more authors ( Elsevier Ltd , 2019 , Article)
      With the ever-growing rise of energy consumption and its devastating financial and environmental repercussions, it is of utmost significance to moderate energy usage with proper energy efficiency tools. This is particularly ...
    • Fuzzy model for detection and estimation of the degree of autism spectrum disorder 

      Shams, Wafaa Khazaal; Wahab, Abdul; Qidwai, Uvais A. ( Springer Nature , 2012 , Conference Paper)
      Early detection of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is of great significance for early intervention. Besides, knowing the degree of severity in ASD and how it changes with the intervention is imperative for the treatment ...
    • I Hate This Brand! A Classification of Brand Haters Based on their Motivations and Reactions: An Abstract 

      Bayarassou, Oula; Becheur, Imene; Valette-Florence, Pierre ( Springer Nature , 2020 , Book chapter)
      In the last decade, the widespread access to the Internet has favored the emergence of anti-brand communities that allow customers to express their hate feelings towards companies, their employees and their brands (Kucuk ...
    • IoT Based Compressive Sensing for ECG Monitoring 

      Djelouat H.; Baali H.; Amira A.; Bensaali F. ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2018 , Conference Paper)
      The Internet of Things (IoT) has empowered several sets of applications related to remote monitoring for patients with chronic cardiovascular diseases, where, electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring has been widely studied and ...