Now showing items 1-20 of 2288

    • Performance and stability analysis of multilevel data structures with deferred reorganization 

      Chen, Ing-Ray; Banawan, Sayed A. ( IEEE , 2002 , Article)
      We develop a methodology for analyzing the performance and stability of a server that maintains a multilevel data structure to service a set of access operations for (key, value) records. A subset of the operations executed ...
    • An efficient model checker based on theaxiomatization of Propositional Temporal Logic in rewriting logic 

      Rebaiaia, M.L.; Jaam, J.M.; Hasnah, A.M. ( IEEE , 2003 , Conference Paper)
      In this paper, we propose an efficient Model Checker for the Propositional Temporal Logic denoted by PTL. This logic is hown to be well suited to verify electronic circuits and reactive systems. A typical verification ...
    • A rewriting logic-based computation and deduction approach to avoid reactive system malfunctions 

      Rebaiaia, Mohamed Larbi; Jaam, Jihad Mohamad; Benmohamed, Mohamed; Hasnah, Ahmad ( IEEE , 2003 , Conference Paper)
      Maude is, a powerful formal declarative programming language based on rewriting logic. Because of the reflective characteristic of the rewriting logic, Maude is considered by the scientific community as a universal model ...
    • A neural network algorithm for hardware-software verification 

      Rebaiaia, M.L.; Jaam, J.M.; Hasnah, A.M. ( IEEE , 2003 , Conference Paper)
      Formal verification is the task of proving that a property holds for a model of a design. This paper examines the idea of a Neural Network-based algorithm used to find the set of states that makes a specification valid. ...
    • Improvement of the DSATUR algorithm for graph coloring 

      Jaam, Jihad M.; Hasnah, Ahmad M. ( Arabian Gulf University , 2003 , Article)
      In this paper we discuss the deterministic Brelaz's DSATUR algorithm for graph coloring. We propose a simple modification that improves the performance of the algorithm. This modification consists of assigning the color ...
    • A decision support system based on ranking methods 

      Rebaiaia, Mohamed Larbi; Jaam, Jihad Mohamad; Hasnah, Ahmad ( IEEE , 2003 , Conference Paper)
      The complexity of decision making in industrial and economic fields is a phenomenon that has become difficult to surmount. This makes the decision maker feel powerless in front of unpredictable, non understandable and ...
    • A toolset for the specification and verification of embedded systems 

      Rebaiaia, Mohamed Larbi; Jaam, Jihad Mohamad; Benmohamed, Mohamed; Hasnah, Ahmad ( IEEE , 2003 , Conference Paper)
      Because of many malfunctions of some critical real-time systems (Pentium bug, Ariane lance rocket), which have caused life and billion dollars loss, computer aided formal methods have been developed and successfully applied ...
    • A multi-level conceptual data reduction approach based on the Lukasiewicz implication 

      Elloumi, Samir; Jaam, Jihad; Hasnah, Ahmad; Jaoua, Ali; Nafkha, Ibtissem ( Elsevier Science Inc , 2003 , Article)
      Starting from fuzzy binary data represented as tables in the fuzzy relational database, in this paper, we use fuzzy formal concept analysis to reduce the tables size to only keep the minimal rows in each table, without ...
    • An approach for constructing complex discriminating surfaces based on Bayesian interference of the maximum entropy 

      El Chakik, Fadi; Shahine, Ahmad; Jaam, Jihad; Hasnah, Ahmad ( Elsevier Inc. , 2003 , Article)
      In this paper we present a comprehensive Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) procedure for the classification tasks. This MaxEnt is applied successfully to the problem of estimating the probability distribution function (pdf) of a ...
    • Non-linear simulation of controller for longitudinal control augmentation system of F-16 using numerical approach 

      Rachman, Endri; Jaam, Jihad M.; Hasnah, Ahmad ( Elsevier Inc , 2003 , Article)
      The non-linear simulation of controller for automatic flight control system is an essential part of the complete control design process. After using the linear approach in the design and simulation of the controller (control ...
    • Preface 

      Jaoua, Ali; Jaam, Jihad Mohamad; Hasnah, Ahmad; Akbar, Abdulhamid Sadiq ( Elsevier , 2003 , Article)
      In recent years the involvement of Information Technology in business, governments, and education has increased dramatically. More and more research works have been conducted in different areas of Information Technology such ...
    • VALID-2: A practical modeling, simulation and verification software for distributed systems 

      Larbi, R.M.; Mohamad, J.J. ( IEEE , 2004 , Conference Paper)
      Distributed systems verification is one of the main issues in software engineering. It is considered as the major field of the formal specification techniques. However, many difficulties remain. In fact, the principal ...
    • Conceptual Data Classification: Application for Knowledge Extraction 

      Hasnah, Ahmed; Jaoua, Ali Mohamed; Jaam, Jihad ( John Wiley & Sons, Ltd , 2005 , Book chapter)
    • Intelligent surround sensing using fuzzy inference system 

      Chan Yet, Wong.; Uvais Qidwai ( IEEE , 2005 , Conference Paper)
      In this paper, an Intelligent Surround Sensing using Fuzzy Inference System (ISSFIS) that helps to prevent accidents caused by errant lane changes due to blind spots and carelessness of drivers is presented. Sensors such ...
    • Intelligent sensor network for obstacle avoidance strategy 

      Chan Yet, W.; Qidwai, U. ( IEEE , 2005 , Conference Paper)
      An obstacle avoidance system was developed for a custom-made Autonomous Navigational Robotic Vehicle (ANROV), based on an intelligent sensor network and fuzzy logic control. Unlike conventional crisp control systems, this ...
    • A new approach of clustering based machine-learning algorithm 

      Al-Omary, Alauddin Yousif; Jamil, Mohammad Shahid ( Elsevier B.V. , 2005 , Article)
      Machine-learning research is to study and apply the computer modeling of learning processes in their multiple manifestations, which facilitate the development of intelligent system. In this paper, we have introduced a ...
    • Security-oriented service composition and evolution 

      Khan, K.M.; Kowalczyk, R.; Jun, Han ( IEEE , 2006 , Conference Paper)
      This paper introduces a framework for security-oriented software service composition and evolution. Key building blocks of the framework are a semantic model for specifying the security objectives and properties at the ...
    • Text Summarization Based on Conceptual Data Classification 

      ALJa'am, Jihad M.; Jaoua, Ali M.; Hasnah, Ahmad M.; Hassan, F.; Mohamed, H.; ... more authors ( IGI Global , 2006 , Article)
      In this article, we present an original approach for text summarization using conceptual data classification. We show how a given text can be summarized without losing meaningful knowledge and without using any semantic ...
    • Recognition of off-line handwritten Arabic words using neural network 

      Al-Maadeed, Somaya ( IEEE , 2006 , Conference Paper)
      Neural network (NN) have been used with some success in recognizing printed Arabic words. In this paper, a complete scheme for unconstrained Arabic handwritten word recognition based on a Neural network is proposed and ...
    • MASACAD: a multiagent based approach to information customization 

      Hamdi, Mohamed Salah ( IEEE , 2006 , Article)
      MASACAD is a multiagent information customization system that adopts the machine-learning paradigm to advise students by mining the Web. In the distributed problem-solving paradigm, systems can distribute among themselves ...