• Robust GNC approach for quantised compressed sensing 

      Elleuch, I.; Abdelkefi, F.; Siala, M.; Hamila, R.; Al-Dahir, N. ( Institution of Engineering and Technology , 2017 , Article)
      Practical acquisition of compressed sensing measurements involves a finite-range finite-precision quantisation step. To solve the sparse recovery problem and handle the quantisation distortion, this Letter proposes a ...
    • ShakeMe: Key generation from shared motion 

      Yüzugüzel H.; Niemi J.; Kiranyaz, Mustafa Serkan; Gabbouj M.; Heinz T. ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2015 , Conference Paper)
      Devices equipped with accelerometer sensors such as today's mobile devices can make use of motion to exchange information. A typical example for shared motion is shaking of two devices which are held together in one hand. ...