Surface characterization and luminescence properties of AlN doped with RE elements (Sm, Ho, Gd, Tm)
Rare‐ earth (RE)‐doped III‐nitride broad band‐gap semiconductors have attracted enormous interest as a foundation for optoelectronics devices, which combine the unique luminescence feature of Rare‐earth ions with the electronic properties of the
semiconductors. Recent progress toward nitride‐based light emitting diode and light emitting
due to electric current devices have been made using crystalline and amorphous
AlN and GaN doped with a different lanthanide elements. The Rare‐earth ions’ electronic
structures are differ from the other elements and are unique due to an incompletely filled
4Fn shell. The 4F‐orbital electrons lay inside the ion and are protected from the
surroundings by the filled 5S2 and 5P6 electron orbitals. When these rare‐earths doped are
excited by any external means, intense sharp‐line emission is observed due to intra‐4Fn shells
transitions of the rare‐earth ion core. In the present work, sputtered deposited thin films of AlN doped with rare‐earth
elements (Sm, Ho, Gd, Tm) are investigated for their structures, luminescence and
spectroscopic properties. Thin films were deposited at various temperatures.
X‐ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was performed for structural analysis and crystallite size
calculation in crystalline films. Scanning electron microscopy was also used to confirm the
information obtained from XRD. Luminescence and spectroscopic analysis were performed
using photoluminescence tool and Fourier transform infra‐red. The effect of the
temperature on the surface morphology and luminescence properties was also studied.
Energy dispersive x‐ray analysis was performed on the films to find the constituents and impurities in the samples. Atomic force microscopy was also used for determination of surface roughening, and thermal gravimetric analysis was used to investigate loss of mass of the samples over a range of temperature. This work provides investigations of these materials for their use in photonic and microelectronic devices.
- Materials Science & Technology [63 items ]