Energy saving and peak load shifting performance of tail water source heat pump integrated with large-scale thermal storage pool space heating system in technology park
عرض / فتح
Huang, ChengyangWei, Wenzhe
Sun, Yuying
Wang, Wei
Li, Zhaoyang
Wang, Shiquan
Deng, Shiming more authors less authors
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عرض كامل للتسجيلةالملخص
In cities, there are thousands of wastewater treatment plants. The treated tail water drained from them is clean relatively, and has a stable flow rate. Extracting heat from it through tail water source heat pumps (TWSHP) for space heating can decrease the building heating energy consumption significantly. Besides, by integrating with thermal energy storage (TES), it can realize the goal of peak load shifting, especially in commercial buildings. However, there is few reports on its experimental investigations or engineering applications till now. To promote the application of TWSHP integrated with TES system, it was designed for the space heating of a technology park in Beijing, and a control method was proposed to decrease the operating cost by using the valley electricity. Then, utilizing its operating parameters in the heating season of 2021-2022, its heating performance was analyzed. Results indicate that the proposed system has good heating performance. The average COPs of TWSHP units and the system in the heating season are 7.08 and 4.41, respectively. Compared with gas-fired boiler, its carbon emission decreased by 62.53%. By using the TES system, the power consumption during valley period of power grid increases by 581.23%, realizing the goal of peak load shifting. 2023 Elsevier Ltd
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