QU Ceased Journals: المرسلات الحديثة
السجلات المعروضة 881 -- 900 من 2240
Observations on some hydrochemical aspects of the United Arab Emirates waters along the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.
( Qatar University , 1997 , Article)Surface and bottom water samples were collected from the United Arab Emirates waters along the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman during the period from October 1993 to September 1995. Samples were analyzed for temperature ... -
Abscisic acid, relative water content and water use efficiency of wheat plants In relation to grain pretreatment by phytohormones and irrigation with sea water
( Qatar University , 1999 , Article)Irrigation of wheat plants with sea water (10% and 25%) led to significant increase in free and bound ABA in the leaves, especially at 25%. The relative water content (RWC) of the sea water irrigated plants was either ... -
Developmental anatomy of the central nervous system of the cotton leaf worm, spodoptera littoralis boisd.
( Qatar University , 1983 , Article)The central nervous system, C. N. S., of the cotton leaf worm, Spodoptera littoralis (B.) develops from a median row of embryonic neuroblasts which divide repeatedly to form a double ganglionic chain. The two chains fuse ... -
Heterocyclic Aminoacrylate Esters Of Potential Biological Activity
( Qatar University , 1985 , Article)This work describes the synthesis of N-substituted piperidyl 2-benzoxazole acrylates (la-d); 2-benzothiazole acrylates (2a-d); 2-furyl acrylates (3a-d) and 2-thiophene acrylates (4a-d). The esters of 3-quinuclidyl (Ie, 2e, ... -
Evaluation of quaternary aquifer between qena and luxur. (Nile Valley, Egypt)
( Qatar University , 2001 , Article)In order to evaluate the hydrogeological setting of the Quaternary aquifer and the related geological structures controlling its characteristics. A total of 50 vertical electrical soundings (VES.s) were conducted along 13 ... -
أثر دراسة مساق قواعد الكتابة ومهارتها المختلفة على معرفة وفهم مواطن علامات الترقيم واستخدامها لدى طلبة معلم الصف في جامعة اليرموك
( Qatar University , 2000 , Article)هدفت الدراسة إلى تحديد أثر دراسة مساق قواعد الكتابة ومهاراتها المختلفة علي معرفة الطلبة لمواطن علامات الترقيم واستخدامه. واستخدم في الدراسة اختبار من جزأين، أكد الجزء الأول على مواطن علامات الترقيم الأكثر شيوعاً، وأكد الجزء ... -
Studies on the biology of eucalyptus micro theca f. Muell in the gezira, sudan i. The behaviour of the seed
( Qatar University , 1986 , Article)Eucalyptus microtheca has proved to be a success on the heavy clay soils of the Gezira. This tree species not only seeds regularly and prolifically during the summer, but also, though rarely, seeds during the winter. The ... -
Direct Electrochemical Synthesis of Mono, Bi And Polynuclear Complexes of Some Hydrazide and Hydrazone Derivatives
( Qatar University , 2000 , Article)Transition metal complexes of mono-, di- and tetrahydrazides and their hydrazones have been prepared by electrochemical techniques using the metal as a sacrifical anode. The electrochemical oxidation of Co, Ni and Cu in ... -
Phyllosphere and phylloplane fungi of some herbal plants belonging to Labiatae, Solanaceae and Umbelliferae in Egypt
( Qatar University , 1997 , Article)Survey on the occurrence of phyllosphere and phylloplane fungi on leaves surface of 15 different kinds of fresh herbs (three samples of each kind) belonging to three plant families (five kinds belonging to each of Labiatae, ... -
Electrochemical behaviour of some pyrimidine derivatives: polarographic reduction of 1, 3-dimethyl-2, 4, 6(1h, 3h, 5h) pyrimidinetrione and its substituted 5-phenylazo
( Qatar University , 1994 , Article)The polarographic behaviour and spectrophotometric pKa of 1,3-dimethyl barbituric acid and 5-phenylazo substituted products were investigated in buffer solution of pH ~ 2-11. The results revealed an azo form of the substituted ... -
Cleavability of Decomposition Spaces
( Qatar University , 2006 , Article)Assume that X and Y have the same homotopy type, if X (respectively Y) is cleavable over p, have proved that the decomposition space of Y/g (respectively X/f) is cleavable over p. A result ncerning Arhangel'skii - Teroni's ... -
Contribution To The Sedimentology Of The Bahariya Formation Of Gebel El-Dist, Bahariya Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt
( Qatar University , 1983 , Article)Combined microscopic, grain-size and heavy-mineral analyses were carried out on the Bahariya Formation at Gebel El-Dist (type section), Bahariya Oasis. These studies revealed that the formation is composed of moderately ... -
Parasites As Biological Tags In Population Studies Of Marine Organisms
( Qatar University , 1999 , Article)Parasites have been used to identify and trace the migrations of different intraspecific populations of commercially important marine fish since 1939, Literature research shows how the numbers of publications involving ... -
Enzymatic Upgrading of Fish and Crustacean Products
( Qatar University , 1999 , Article)Fish wastes constitute an important source of biologically active molecules possessing peculiar properties and practical application promises in various areas ( agriculture, medicine, chemistry, biotechnology ). Several ... -
Primary Productivity of Lake Manzalah, Egypt, using C14 technique
( Qatar University , 1981 , Article)The hydrographical and chemical conditions of Lake Manzalah, Egypt, are influenced by the surging in of saline water from the Mediterranean sea and are by no means stable. The average of the parameters studied during the ... -
Chemical stabilization of baiji sand dunes in iraq 1. Effect of some soil stabilizers on the infiltration rate of sand
( Qatar University , 1995 , Article)In this study, the effect of soil chemical stabilizers including polyvinyl alcohol 125,000 (PVA) (0.2% and 0.4%); ferquatac resin emulsion RB-50 (F.E.) (0.14, 0.18, 0.2 and 0.4 lm'2); bitumen emulsion Al-55 (B.E.) (0.3, ... -
A Mathematical Model Of The Dynamics Of Schistosomiasis
( Qatar University , 1996 , Article)In this work the authors develop a mathematical model for the dynamics of a major helminth parasite of man, schistosomiasis. The model is a system of coupled non-linear equations. Numerical experimentations with the model ... -
Urea Hydrolysis and Urease Activity in Saudi Arabian Soils
( Qatar University , 2000 , Article)Soil samples were collected from eight different localities m Saudi Arabia, and analysed for mechanical properties as well as for urea hydrolysis. The urease enzyme activity of these calcareous soils was also investigated. ... -
S.G. Connected Spaces
( Qatar University , 2000 , Article)The purpose of this paper is to introduce and study a strongr type of connectedness called s.g connectedness in topologi-cal spaces. -
Relation between Quasi-normed Ideals of Entropy Numbers and of Approximation Numbers
( Qatar University , 1981 , Article)Let en(T) and an(T) be the entropy numbers and approximation numbers of operator T between Banach spaces, respectively. Let ?p be the operator ideal defined by Sp:^TeL;{en(T)^lp}, and Sp be the operator ideal defined ...