Browsing Environmental Science Center by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 468
A 51 ka sedimentary sequence in a seamount basin, Eastern Arabian Sea: Records for paleoceanographic and paleoclimate conditions
( Elsevier , 2022 , Article)A 5.4 m thick sediment core at ∼ 517 m water depth from a seamount basin off the Goa coast in the Eastern Arabian Sea (EAS) is examined for the mineral magnetic, carbonate and organic carbon variability. The 51 ka BP dated ... -
A comparative study of Seagrasses Species in Regional Seas and QMZ
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)Seagrasses are flowering monocot green plants that have adapted to marine life, and remain completely immersed in seawater and are primary producers of food for numerous marine animals. Seagrasses are of worldwide distribution ... -
Accumulation of Trace Metals, Petroleum Hydrocarbons, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Marine Copepods from the Arabian Gulf
( Springer Verlag New York Inc , 2001 , Article)In this study, zooplankton samples were collected from the coastal waters of Qatar during winter and summer 1998 to assess the impact of growing industrialization on the bioaccumulation of trace metals, total petroleum ... -
Acutodesmus obliquus as a benchmark strain for evaluating methane production from microalgae: Influence of different storage and pretreatment methods on biogas yield
( Elsevier , 2015 , Article)Acutodesmus obliquus (SAG 276-1), a microalga with a resistant cell wall, was chosen as a benchmark strain for testing the effect of storage and pretreatment methods on methane yields during anaerobic digestion. A. obliquus ... -
Adaptation of sea turtles to climate warming: Will phenological responses be sufficient to counteract changes in reproductive output?
( John Wiley and Sons Inc , 2024 , Article)Sea turtles are vulnerable to climate change since their reproductive output is influenced by incubating temperatures, with warmer temperatures causing lower hatching success and increased feminization of embryos. Their ... -
The Adsorption Potential of Cr from Water by ZnO Nanoparticles Synthesized by Azolla pinnata
(2022 , Article)Aqueous solutions containing toxic elements (TEs) (such as hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)) can be toxic to humans even at trace levels. Thus, removing TEs from the aqueous environment is essential for the protection of ... -
Age, growth, population dynamics and stock status of Perna perna in Omani waters
( Triveni Enterprises , 2018 , Article)Aim: Population parameters such as growth, recruitment pattern, mortality, exploitation rate and the length-weight relationship were investigated for the brown mussel, Perna pernain Omani waters. Methodology: Monthly ... -
Allelopathic effects of Casuarina equisetifolia L. on seed germination of some crop plants and their associated weeds
( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2016 , Conference)Casuarina equisetifolia L. is a widespread tree that has been known for its allelopathic potential causing biological inhibition on plant seed germination. Leaf extract of Casuarina equisetifolia L. was evaluated for its ... -
Alleviation of drought and salt stress in vegetables: crop responses and mitigation strategies
( Springer Science and Business Media B.V. , 2023 , Article)In recent decades, the demand for vegetables has increased significantly due to the blooming global population. Climate change has affected vegetable production by increasing the frequencies and severity of abiotic and ... -
Altering shale permeability by cold shock
( Elsevier , 2024 , Article)The matrix permeability of shale is on the order of nanodarcy (nD), and hydrocarbon recovery from it is economical only after hydraulic fracturing. Another fracturing technique, which is often overlooked, is cryogenic ... -
An integrated approach for produced water treatment using microemulsions modified activated carbon
( Elsevier Ltd , 2019 , Article)In this study, the physical and chemical characterization of produced water was done followed by treatment through sand filtration coupled with activated carbon microemulsion modified activated carbon techniques. The results ... -
( Institute of Malacology , 2022 , Article)Aneuploidy, or presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes, has been commonly observed in marine bivalves. This phenomenon has also been shown to be negatively correlated with growth and survival rates in several species ... -
Anthropogenic related variations in the epibiotic biodiversity and age structure of the “Pearl Oyster” Pinctada radiata within the eulittoral zone of Qatar
( Elsevier , 2016 , Article)Abstract Oyster aggregations provide critical habitat that contain diverse communities, with epibiota and oysters sensitive to environmental disturbance. The monitoring of oysters and associated organisms has become an ... -
Application of Cyanobacteria ( sp.) Liquid Extract for the Alleviation of Salt Stress in Bell Pepper ( L.) Plants Grown in a Soilless System.
( MDPI , 2021 , Article)Salinity is one of the abiotic stresses that affect crop growth and productivity in arid and semi-arid regions. Unfortunately, there are few known methods to mitigate the deleterious impacts of salt stress on the development ... -
Applications of graphene-based tungsten oxide nanocomposites: a review
( Springer , 2022 , Article Review)This review describes the various applications of graphene derivative (GO/rGO) with the tungsten oxide nanocomposite such as supercapacitor, electrochromism, photocatalysis and energy sensing. This review article also ... -
Aquaculture sediments amended with biochar improved soil health and plant growth in a degraded soil
( Elsevier , 2023 , Article)Sustainable and safe management of aquaculture sediments is of great concern. Biochar (BC) and fishpond sediments (FPS) are rich in organic carbon and nutrients and thus can be used as soil amendments; however, it is not ... -
Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi Integrated with Single Super Phosphate Improve Wheat-nitrogen-phosphorus Acquisition, Yield, Root Infection Activity, and Spore Density in Alkaline-calcareous Soil
( Springer , 2022 , Article)The potential productivity of calcareous soils is high when adequate nutrients can be available. However, these soils are frequently deficient in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and cannot meet plant nutrient requirements. ... -
Are mangroves in arid environments isolated systems? Life-history and evidence of dietary contribution from inwelling in a mangrove-resident shrimp species
( Elsevier , 2013 , Article)The Arabian Gulf represents one of the more northerly extremes of mangrove distribution in the Indo-Pacific, and is populated only by Avicennia marina, due to its tolerance of high salinity and wide temperature extremes. ... -
Are offshore platforms a good candidate to restore functional diversity of reef fish communities in the Arabian Gulf?
( Elsevier B.V. , 2023 , Article)Human-made structures are ubiquitous in the marine realm. Complex structures such as oil and gas platforms may constitute a suitable habitat for species in areas where natural reefs have been highly degraded by coastal ... -
Artisanal fishing of spiny lobsters with gillnets — A significant anthropic impact on tropical reef ecosystem
(2015 , Article)Artisanal fishing activity with gillnets to capture the spiny lobster is a common practice along the coastal reefs of Brazil. This research aims to understand the impact that this artisanal fishing practice is having on ...