• Factors associated with depression and anxiety in the adult population of Qatar after the first COVID-19 wave: a cross-sectional study 

      Khaled, Salma Mawfek; Amro, Iman; Bader, Lina; Woodruff, Peter; Alabdulla, Majid A.; ... more authors ( springer , 2021 , Article)
      There is limited data from Arabic-speaking countries on risk factors for depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Country-specific data is necessary given differences in culture, demographics, and COVID-19 ...
    • Factors influencing reading news on the mobile devices in Qatar in light of augmented reality (AR) & Virtual reality (VR) 

      El-Kassem, Rima Charbaji ( IAEME Publication , 2020 , Article)
      Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine and better understand the factors influencing reading news on the mobile devices in Qatar from the viewpoint of intention to adopt augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality ...
    • Factors Shaping Qatari Students’ Career Expectations in STEM, Business or Public Sector Fields 

      Sellami, Abdellatif; Kimmel, Linda; Wittrock, Jill; Hunscher, Brian; Cotter, Anna; ... more authors ( Modestum Limited , 2017 , Article)
      The purpose of this study was to identify factors shaping career expectations of Qatari students. The study examined individual and motivational variables likely to influence career expectations in STEM fields, the public ...
    • Factors Shaping Qatari Students’ Interest in STEM, Business or Public Sector Careers 

      Sellami, Abdellatif; Kimmel, Linda; Hunscher, Brian; Cotter, Anna; Wittrock, Jill; ... more authors ( Sage Publishing , 2016 , Article)
      In this article we examine interest in a STEM career in Qatar not in isolation, but as one of numerous career choice options. In particular, we contrast interest in a STEM career with the culturally-relevant alternative ...
    • Feasibility of replacing face-to-face with telephone interviews for the World Mental Health Qatar survey during the COVID-19 pandemic 

      Khaled, Salma M.; Amro, Iman; Bader, Lina; Lee Holmes, John; Diop, Abdoulaye; ... more authors ( John Wiley & Sons Ltd. , 2024 , Article)
      Objectives: We investigated the feasibility of replacing face-to-face with telephone interviews conducted as part of the World Mental Health Qatar (WMHQ) survey and discuss the main methodological changes across the two ...
    • Fertility Transitions in Qatar: The Dynamics between Women's Socioeconomic Status and Fertility 

      Lari, Noora Ahmed; Al-Rakeb, Noof Abdulhadi ( Radiance Research Academy , 2021 , Article)
      Introduction: Qatar society has undergone major socio-economic transformations that have eventually promoted female access to education and career opportunities, which has, in turn, impacted fertility preferences. Objective: ...
    • Fish processing, quality and safety in the state of Qatar 

      Abusin, Sana; Al-Emadi, Noor; أبوسن, سناء ( Social & Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) , 2020 , Report)
      The second National Development Strategy (NDS) of the State of Qatar 2018–2022 aims to achieve 90% self sufficiency in fish production by 2023 and balance food production with conservation of natural resources by promoting ...
    • From the "Fareej" to Metropolis" Qatar Social Capital Sirvey II 

      Diop, Abdoulaye; Al Ansari, Majed; Ken T. Le, Kien; Elmaghraby, Engi; Al Bloshi, Amina; ... more authors ( SESRI - Qatar University , 2017 , Report)
      Qatar faces a social and economic transformation today linked to its unique demographic composition. Understanding social interactions within and across its diverse subgroups is critical for understanding and managing ...
    • Gender Prespecified Sampling for Cost Control 

      Trung Le1, Kien; Diop, Abdoulaye; Wittrock, Jill; Al-Emadi, Darwish; Elawad, Elmogiera ( Oxford University Press on behalf of The World Association for Public Opinion Research. All rights reserved , 2014 , Article)
      Nationally representative surveys administered in the Middle East and North Africa typically are conducted using methodological techniques developed from outside the region. Sometimes these best practices require ...

      Elawad, Elmogiera; Diop, A; Agied, Mohamed; Abdelhameed, Isam ( RESEARCH, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PUBLISHERS , 2016 , Article)
      In order to evaluate the quality of its survey data, SESRI implemented since 2010 a system of re-interviewing a sub-sample of respondents. These re-interviews usually take place not more than six days from the date of the ...
    • Global incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 371 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 

      Alize J, Ferrari; Santomauro, Damian Francesco; Aali, Amirali; Abate, Yohannes Habtegiorgis; Abbafati, Cristiana; ... more authors ( Elsevier , 2024 , Article)
      Background Detailed, comprehensive, and timely reporting on population health by underlying causes of disability and premature death is crucial to understanding and responding to complex patterns of disease and injury ...
    • Growing food pyramids in the sand: how sustainable are Qatar’s self-sufficiency and foreign agro-investment policies? 

      Mustafa, Semsia Al-Ali ( Istituto Agronomico per l'Oltremare (IAO) , 2017 , Article)
      Achieving food security in the Arabian Gulf is no easy task. Fuelled by petrodollars, the countries largely rely on imports to feed their burgeoning population, making them susceptible to price and supply shocks. This paper ...
    • Gulf Security in the Age of Covid-19 

      Cole, Juan; Baabood, Abdullah; Kozhanov, Nikolay; Zaccara, Luciano; Al Ansari, Majed ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Video)
    • A Hard Test of Individual Heterogeneity in Response Scale Usage: Evidence From Qatar 

      Gengler, Justin J.; Mitchell, Jocelyn S. ( Oxford University Press , 2016 , Article Review)
      A common approach to correcting for interpersonal differences in response category thresholds in surveys is the use of anchoring vignettes. Here we present results from the first applications of anchoring vignettes in ...
    • Health impact of indoor air pollution in the gulf region: A review 

      Abusin, Sana; Al-Thani, Noor; Al-Emadi, Noor; Petcu, Catalina (2022 , Article Review)
      Factors such as unfavorable meteorological conditions within the Gulf region force citizens to spend a considerable amount of time in their homes. Indoor air quality in the Arabian Gulf is rapidly becoming an issue of vital ...
    • High-resolution rural poverty mapping in Pakistan with ensemble deep learning 

      Agyemang, Felix S. K.; Memon, Rashid; Wolf, Levi John; Fox, Sean ( Public Library of Science , 2023 , Article)
      High resolution poverty mapping supports evidence-based policy and research, yet about half of all countries lack the survey data needed to generate useful poverty maps. To overcome this challenge, new non-traditional data ...
    • High-skilled migration and the attractiveness of cities. 

      Ewers, Michael C.; Dicce, Ryan; Czaika, Mathias ( Oxford University Press , 2018 , Book chapter)
      Book Description: Political and scientific debates on migration policies have mostly focused on governments' efforts to control or reduce low-skilled, asylum, and irregular migration or to encourage the return migration ...
    • A household-level decomposition of the white–black homeownership gap 

      Eric, Fesselmeyer; Kien, T. Le; Kiat Ying, Seah ( Elsevier B.V. , 2011 , Article)
      This paper uses a semiparametric homeownership model to estimate and to decompose the household-level white–black homeownership gap into an endowment component and a residual component across the distribution of homeownership ...
    • Housing Tenure and Economic Inequality among Qatari Citizens 

      Stepney, Erin ( The Social and Economic Survey Research Institute, Qatar University , 2016 , Report)
      The most immediately effective measure to address housing inequality, which would generate additional benefits in many other areas, is the streamlining of administrative processes related to land allotment and infrastructure ...
    • Im/mobile highly skilled migrants in Qatar 

      Babar, Zahra; Ewers, Michael; Khattab, Nabil ( Taylor & Francis (Routledge) , 2018 , Article)
      Most studies on the mobility of highly skilled migrants have been examined with a framework of global talent mobility and under conditions of neoliberal governance and economic globalization. In this study we challenge the ...