Heuristic analysis of brackishwater treatment by reverse osmosis process
Treatment of brackish water and sea water with the help of reverse osmosis process is feasible and a viable solution to meet the fresh water deficiency in an arid region. Total dissolved solids can be reduced to a level acceptable for drinking water. High purity water for industrial uses can also be obtained with the application of the RO process. Useful materials may also be recovered from the reject water. RO plants of various sizes (both large and small) have been in operation successfully in a number of countries which shows the reliability and predictability of the reverse osmosis process. For the efficient operation of reverse osmosis plants care is needed in determining the raw water quality, in understanding of the chemistry of the process, in designing the pre-treatment of the raw water, in selecting membrane and in setting the level of recovery of product water. The reject brine, at high pressure, mav provide a secondary source of energy in large systems.