The Effects of Demographic Differences on Value System and Perceived School Climate in Qatar Elementary Public Schools
Demographical differences were explored in elementary school teachers' perception of climate and value systems. The Arabic versions of OCDQ scale (Halpin and Croft, 1962) which measures Organizational Climate and the Study of Value scale (Allport, Vernon, and Lindzey, 1970) which measures six person¬ality values (Hana, 1986) were administered to 90 elementary school teachers in Qatar.
Demographic differences were found with respect to teachers' perception of climate in their schools and with respect to teachers' values. The most striking differences centered around age-related varibles and gender. Some nationality differences were also found. The author concludes that this popu¬lation with respect to nationality differences is more homogeneous than one might expect.
- مجلة مركز البحوث التربوية - [من 1992 الى 2005] [225 items ]