Browsing by Author "Hoteit, Maha"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Adherence to the United States Department of Agriculture Dietary Recommendations Pre- and During the Coronavirus Disease-19 Pandemic Among Pregnant Women in Arab Countries
Hoteit, Maha; Hoteit, Reem; Al-Jawaldeh, Ayoub; Abou Nasr, Mariane; Obeid, Sara; Fakih, Chadi; El Hajj, Mohamad; Qasrawi, Radwan; Abu Seir, Rania; Allehdan, Sabika; Ismail, Mahmoud Samy; Bookari, Khlood; Arrish, Jamila; Al-Bayyari, Nahla; Tayyem, Reema... more authors ... less authors ( Frontiers Media , 2022 , Article)During pregnancy, woman’s diet is one of the most preeminent factors affecting mother and child’s health. Prior to the coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic, inadequate maternal diet and low adherence to dietary ... -
Dietary intake and lifestyle practices of eastern mediterranean postpartum women before and during COVID-19 pandemic: An internet-based cross-sectional survey
Tayyem, Reema; Al-Bayyari, Nahla; Al-Awwad, Narmeen; Abuhijleh, Haya; Hoteit, Reem; Qasrawi, Radwan; Badran, Eman; Basha, Asma; Allehdan, Sabika; Boukari, Khlood; Arrish, Jamila; Seir, Rania Abu; Hoteit, Maha... more authors ... less authors ( Frontiers Media S.A. , 2022 , Article)Background: During the lockdown period, a substantial group of these women reported lifestyle changes. Aim: The aim of the study is to characterize the dietary patterns, intake and the adherence to the United States ... -
Editorial: Innovation and trends in the global food systems, dietary patterns and healthy sustainable lifestyle in the digital age
Hoteit, Maha; Qasrawi, Radwan; Al Sabbah, Haleama; Tayyem, Reema ( Frontiers , 2023 , Article)The transformation of food systems to address healthy nutrition, food insecurity, and public health issues is a global concern. In today's world, where there is a growing dependence on processed foods, fast food, edible ... -
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on smoking (waterpipe and cigarette) and participants' BMI across various sociodemographic groups in Arab countries in the Mediterranean Region
Al Sabbah, Haleama; Assaf, Enas A.; Taha, Zainab; Qasrawi, Radwan; Ismail, Leila Cheikh; Al Dhaheri, Ayesha S.; Hoteit, Maha; Al-Jawaldeh, Ayoub; Tayyem, Reema; Bawadi, Hiba; Alkhalaf, Majid; Bookari, Khlood; Kamel, Iman; Dashti, Somaia; Allehdan, Sabika; Waly, Mostafa; Al-Halawa, Diala Abu; Mansour, Rania; Ibrahim, Mohammed; Al-Mannai, Mariam; De Backer, Charlotte; Van Royen, Kathleen; Teunissen, Lauranna; Cuykx, Isabelle; Decorte, Paulien; Ouvrein, Gaëlle; Poels, Karolien; Vandebosch, Heidi; Maldoy, Katrien; Pabian, Sara; Matthys, Christophe; Smits, Tim; Vrinten, Jules; DeSmet, Ann; Teughels, Nelleke; Geuens, Maggie; Vermeir, Iris; Proesmans, Viktor; Hudders, Liselot; Alalwan, Tariq Abdulkarim; Al-Bayyari, Nahla; Ibrahim, Mohammed O.; Hammouh, Fadwa; Dashti, Basma; Alkharaif, Dhuha; Alshatti, Amani; Al Mazedi, Maryam; Naim, Elissa; Mortada, Hussein; Ibrahim, Carla; Hamdan, Motasem; Agha, Hazem; Othman, Manal; Pakari, Jaafar; Abu-El-Ruz, Rasha; Arrish, Jamila; Fallata, Ghadir A.; Alhumaidan, Omar A.; Alakeel, Shihana A.; AlBuayjan, Norah A.; Alkhunein, Sarah M.; Binobaydan, Budur M.; Alshaya, Aeshah A.; Al Bloosh, Sharifa... more authors ... less authors ( EU European Publishing , 2022 , Article)INTRODUCTION: Tobacco smokers are at high risk of developing severe COVID-19. Lockdown was a chosen strategy to deal with the spread of infectious diseases; nonetheless, it influenced people's eating and smoking behaviors. ... -
Machine learning techniques for the identification of risk factors associated with food insecurity among adults in Arab countries during the COVID-19 pandemic
Qasrawi, Radwan; Hoteit, Maha; Tayyem, Reema; Bookari, Khlood; Al Sabbah, Haleama; Kamel, Iman; Dashti, Somaia; Allehdan, Sabika; Bawadi, Hiba; Waly, Mostafa; Ibrahim, Mohammed O.; Polo, Stephanny Vicuna; Al-Halawa, Diala Abu... more authors ... less authors ( Springer Nature , 2023 , Article)Background: A direct consequence of global warming, and strongly correlated with poor physical and mental health, food insecurity is a rising global concern associated with low dietary intake. The Coronavirus pandemic has ... -
Perspectives and practices of dietitians with regards to social/mass media use during the transitions from face-to-face to telenutrition in the time of COVID-19: A cross-sectional survey in 10 Arab countries
Bookari, Khlood; Arrish, Jamila; Alkhalaf, Majid M.; Alharbi, Mudi H.; Zaher, Sara; Alotaibi, Hawazin M.; Tayyem, Reema; Al-Awwad, Narmeen; Qasrawi, Radwan; Allehdan, Sabika; Al Sabbah, Haleama; AlMajed, Sana; Al Hinai, Eiman; Kamel, Iman; Ati, Jalila El; Harb, Ziad; Hoteit, Maha... more authors ... less authors ( Frontiers Media SA , 2023 , Article)During the COVID-19 pandemic, most healthcare professionals switched from face-to-face clinical encounters to telehealth. This study sought to investigate the dietitians’ perceptions and practices toward the use of social/mass ... -
Prevalence, knowledge, awareness, and attitudes towards dietary supplements among Bahraini adults: a cross-sectional study
Allehdan, Sabika; Hasan, Mariam; Perna, Simone; Al-Mannai, Mariam; Alalwan, Tariq; Mohammed, Duha; Almosawi, Mohamed; Hoteit, Maha; Tayyem, Reema... more authors ... less authors ( Springer Nature , 2023 , Article)The usage of dietary supplements (DS) is a global trend that is likely influenced by sociodemographic variables and body weight status. Some individuals utilize supplements in the hopes that they may enhance their health ... -
Status and correlates of food and nutrition literacy among parents-adolescents’ dyads: findings from 10 Arab countries
Hoteit, Maha; Mansour, Rania; Mohsen, Hala; Bookari, Khlood; Hammouh, Fadwa; Allehdan, Sabika; AlKazemi, Dalal; Al Sabbah, Haleama; Benkirane, Hasnae; Kamel, Iman; Qasrawi, Radwan; Tayyem, Reema... more authors ... less authors ( Frontiers Media SA , 2023 , Article)Background: Food literacy is capturing the attention worldwide and gaining traction in the Arab countries. Strengthening food and nutrition literacy among Arab teenagers are important promising empowering tools which can ...