Top Search Terms

Search TermSearches% of TotalPageviews / Search
1 author_authority:(33fc4092-4305-42a9-8c29-bab51a6a3a4c) 4 11.76% 0.00
2 author_authority:(bbb859eb-ca44-417b-bac7-442535da9955) 4 11.76% 0.00
3 author_authority:(ad91dcc0-155b-4fa6-bd9f-dfaa3f9ff5f4) 3 8.82% 0.00
4 has_content_in_original_bundle_keyword:true 3 8.82% 0.00
5 author_authority:(e4dc6447-4586-476a-9f09-4b0ff035fa91) 2 5.88% 0.00
6 subject_keyword:Action recognition. 2 5.88% 0.00
7 type_keyword:Poster 2 5.88% 0.00
8 type_keyword:poster 2 5.88% 0.00
9 1 1 2.94% 0.00
10 SADIYAH 1 2.94% 0.00


Searches% of TotalPageviews / Search
34 100.00% 0.00