مركز دراسات الخليج
الوحدات الفرعية داخل هذه الوحدة
المؤتمر السنوي الدولي لمركز دراسات الخليج [131 items ]
المجموعات في هذه الوحدة
الأبحاث [110 items ]
أحدث التسجيلات التي تم ارسالها
دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي والعدوان على غزة تباين في الردود والسياسات
( مركز دراسات الخليج - جامعة قطر , 2024 , Article)أظهرت حرب غزة استجابات متباينة من الدول الست الأعضاء في مجلس التعاون الخليجي. فعلى المستوى السياسي، برزت تباينات واضحة في ردود أفعال دول مجلس التعاون، والتي تنبع من سياقاتها التاريخية وسياساتها الحكومية المحلية تجاه الصراع ... -
Entrepreneurial universities and integrated sustainability for the knowledge-based economy: self-perception and some structural challenges in the Gulf region
( Springer Nature , 2024 , Article)Innovation and the promotion of entrepreneurship are requirements of the transition towards knowledge-based economies. Universities are assigned a key role in advancing entrepreneurship through the restructuring of teaching, ... -
Growing but Nonmutual: Unequal Trade Dependencies and the Future of the GCC’s Economic Integration
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Report)Despite political tensions2 and commercial competition3, trade between the six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) remains surprisingly robust. The steadily rising exchange of goods within the GCC is noteworthy, ... -
الأسرة القطریة بین النواة والامتداد: مقاربة مفاھیمیة جدیدة
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)تضطلع ھذه الورقة بمھمة البحث في طبائع الأسرة القطریة في ضوء التحولات الاجتماعیة والاقتصادیة - الطارئة على الفضاء القطري منذ توقیع معاھدة الحمایة بین حاكم قطر عبدلله بن جاسم ال ثاني وبریطانیا مایو ۱۹۳٥ وستوضّح لمَ اخُتیرَ ... -
واقع السیاسات الأسریة في دولة قطر
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)بالنظر إلى أھمیتھا، وإدراكا لجسامة التحدیات التي تواجھُھا، فقد أولى الدستور القطري عنایة فائقة للأسرة، حیث نص في مادتھ 21 ، على أن: "الأسرة أساس المجتمع. قوامھا الدین والأخلاق وحب الوطن، وینظم القانون الوسائل الكفیلة ... -
دور الأسرة في غرس القِیمَ الاجتماعیة وتعزیزھا في المجتمع العماني
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)تعد الأسرة أساس عملیة التنشئة الاجتماعیة التي یتم من خلالھا نقل القیم والعادات وثقافة المجتمع بشكل عام إلى الأجیال. ھدفت ھذه الورقة إلى تسلیط الضوء على ترتیب الأسرة بین مصادر القیم الاجتماعیة المؤثرة في الشخصیة العمانیة، ... -
العوامل (الاقتصادیة – الاجتماعیة) المؤثرة في تغیر التركیب الأسري في المجتمع العمُاني : دراسة استشرافیة
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)تشھد الدولة في عُمان تغیرًا ھیكلیاً في السیاسات الاقتصادیة – الاجتماعیة تفرضھ الظروف واعتبارات النمو الاقتصادي والاستدامة المالیة – كما ھو الحال في الدولة الخلیجیة -، بالانتقال من السیاسات القائمة على الرعائیة (بالمطلق) ... -
Family and Citizenship in the Gulf: The future of citizenship for non-national men who marry to national women
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)Cross-national marriages states bring forth various benefits, including increased cross-cultural interaction, prevention of genetic disorders, and reduced marriage costs compared to endogamous unions. While, as per statistics, ... -
The complex dynamics of household labour and women's empowerment in Qatar
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)The Gulf region has experienced a significant increase in the employment of female domestic workers, commonly known as "maids," from developing countries in Africa and Asia. In a state like Qatar, which boasts one of the ... -
Migrant Domestic Workers and Gulf Families: A Case of Saudi Arabia
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)Domestic workers comprise 10% of Arabian Gulf immigration. Gulf families rely on domestic staff for children and elderly care. National women's employment has increased Gulf households' demand for domestic workers. Saudi ... -
Impact of Twitter on Qatar youth perspectives: activism, digital authoritarianism, and democratization
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)This paper aims to investigate the impact of social media on the political perspectives of young people in Qatar by employing an in-depth quantitative interview methodology with students aged 18 to 25 from universities in ... -
Family policies in the UAE: what is at stake?
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has paid a great deal of attention to families since the beginning of the century. Three factors may explain the rationale behind the public policies in this domain. First, like in the other ... -
The Gulf dream: A study of Representation of Arab and Indian Family in Malayalam Cinema
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)The extensive migration of labour from India to the Gulf states has brought about notable shifts in Indian society, encompassing social, political, economic, and cultural dimensions. Malayalis from the state of Kerala, a ... -
Childcare in Bahrain: The Role of Extended Family and Domestic Workers
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)This paper explores the role of extended family and domestic workers in childcare among Bahraini families, delving into parental responsibilities, childcare arrangements, and individuals' navigation between family, care, ... -
Reconsidering the relationship between family, motherhood, and gender equality in Qatar
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)For long, scholars have considered the centrality of the family in Arab Gulf societies and the emphasis on motherhood as obstacles to gender equality. This is because both factors are seen as hindering women's economic ... -
Elderly Care in the GCC: Family Experiences with Assistive Technology
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)Elderly care is a significant concern in the GCC region, especially with the increasing older population. The talk will delve into the experiences of families in the GCC, particularly in Qatar, with the use of Assistive ... -
Fathers' Involvement in Family and Youth's Delinquent Behaviour
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)In this paper, we developed an Arabic Fathering Scale using data from 450 middle and high school students in Qatar between 12 and 19 years of age (M=15.24, SD= 1.74). We developed 38 items about father involvement in various ... -
Family Cohesion Index in Qatar
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)This project aims to understand the concept of family cohesion, and attempts to measure 'family cohesion' in Qatar. A questionnaire was adapted from several validated scales, testing many aspects related to this greater ... -
The Family Role of Young Saudi Men in Transforming Kingdom : Case Studies from the Regions
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)Women's empowerment, widespread entertainment, and a breakdown of gender segregation: in much of international reporting and academic literature, these exemplify the 'new Saudi Arabia' freed from the more restrictive ... -
The painters of modern life. Family, family roles and space in the first generation of contemporary Qatari painters
( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference)In the 1970s, a group of Qatari artists started to depict the changes in livelihoods in the country since the 1960s. These group of artists, better exemplified by the Three Friends (Youssef Ahmad, Mohammed Ali Abdullah, ...