First jellyfish records for Qatar and further notes on Scyphomedusae species from the Arabian Gulf (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa)
عرض / فتح
اصدار الناشر (تحقق من خيارات الوصول)
تحقق من خيارات الوصول
2023-02-10البيانات الوصفية
عرض كامل للتسجيلةالملخص
This study focused on a jellyfish monitoring and sampling programme along the eastern Qatar seawaters and reports the first jellyfish records for the Qatar pelagic ecosystem and the occurrence of three scyphozoans: the semaeostome Chrysaora cf. caliparea and the rhizostomes Marivagia stellata and Catostylus perezi, considered as first records of Scyphomedusae for Qatar. Jellyfish monitoring, underwater photography and sample collection were carried out along an inshore-offshore transect composed of five stations along the eastern coast of Qatar. Jellyfish material examined, systematic description, general distribution and sting risk of the three species are provided. The discussion section highlights the blooming capabilities of Chrysaora cf. caliparea and Catostylus perezi, while Marivagia stellata seems scarcer, being spotted for the first time since we started our jellyfish investigation programme in August 2018.
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