The Dual Role of Paramagnetic Particles for Integrated Lysis and Measurement in a Rapid Immunoassay for Intracellular Proteins
Abstract—A novel, integrated lysis and immunoassay method-
ology and system for intracellular protein measurement are de-
scribed. The method uses paramagnetic particles both as a lysis
agent and assay label resulting in a rapid test requiring minimal
operator intervention, the test being homogeneous and completed
in less than 10 min. A design study highlights the critical features of
the magnetic detection system used to quantify the paramagnetic
particles and a novel frequency-locked loop-based magnetometer is
presented. A study of paramagnetic particle enhanced lysis demon-
strates that the technique is more than twice as efficient at releasing
intracellular protein as ultrasonic lysis alone. Results are presented
for measurements of intracellular prostate specific antigen in an
LNCAP cell line. This model was selected to demonstrate the ra-
pidity and efficiency of intracellular protein quantification. It was
shown that, on average, LNCAP cells contained 0.43 fg of prostate
specific antigen. This system promises an attractive solution for
applications that require a rapid determination of intracellular
- العلوم الصحية - كلية الآداب والعلوم (قبل 2016) [151 items ]