Top Search Terms

Search TermSearches% of TotalPageviews / Search
1 subject_keyword:Qatar 6 3.05% 0.00
2 subject_keyword:Trust 5 2.54% 0.00
3 type_keyword:Master Thesis 5 2.54% 0.00
4 type_keyword:Professional Masters Project 5 2.54% 0.00
5 author_authority:(31a4f0c8-aa27-4879-b6ed-35b2c04dd028) 4 2.03% 0.00
6 author_authority:(54377d7e-d001-4230-bfb5-5875d848fc60) 4 2.03% 0.00
7 author_authority:(bd673170-78ca-4b3b-8aa1-426bdeb6fb0d) 4 2.03% 0.00
8 dateIssued_keyword:2016 4 2.03% 0.00
9 dateIssued_keyword:2017 4 2.03% 0.00
10 dateIssued_keyword:2018 4 2.03% 0.00


Searches% of TotalPageviews / Search
197 100.00% 0.08