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AuthorMustafa, Ibrahim
AuthorKhalaf, Israa Magdi Nassef
AuthorYounes, Salma Nagy
AuthorSaleem, Rola
AuthorNasrellah, Gheyath
Available date2017-11-14T11:11:16Z
Publication Date2017-03-16
Publication Name7th Emirates Hematology Conference Proceedings 2016
CitationMustafa, I., Khalaf, I. M. N., Younes, S. N., Saleem, R. and Nasrellah, G.(2016)."Iron shuttle chelation therapy enhances to reduce misplaced iron on secondary iron overloaded adult zebrafish" 7th Emirates Hematology Conference Proceedings 2016, PP26 .
AbstractThalassemia is the most common genetically inherited blood disorder in the world arises from defect in hemoglobin production, results in ineffective erythropoiesis and the rapid destruction of RBC in the periphery that leads to severe anemia. While transfusion therapy corrects the anemia, it gives rise to secondary iron overload. The current available iron chelation therapy has issues with toxicity and compliance. Our hypothesis is iron shuttle chelation therapy using combined iron chelators may have better effect in iron loaded adult zebrafish.
SponsorQatar University
Subjectiron overload
TitleIron shuttle chelation therapy enhances to reduce misplaced iron on secondary iron overloaded adult zebrafish
dc.accessType Full Text

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