Antifungal Agents
2024البيانات الوصفية
عرض كامل للتسجيلةالملخص
This chapter discusses the antifungal medications used in the management of fungal infections of the orofacial region with a focus on oral candidiasis and its different forms. The risk factors for oral candidiasis are outlined followed by principles of management of oral candidiasis, including general measures, antifungal therapy and oral care. The mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, side effects, dosage, routes of administration and commercial preparations of the most appropriate medications which may be used for the management of oral candidiasis in general dental practice settings are described. The last section of the chapter summarises the features and management of other fungal infections which may involve the orofacial region. The readers are signposted to useful online resources on treatment of oral candidiasis involving the orofacial region along with resources which may be used for patient education.
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