Step-by-Step Design and Simulation of Boost Controller for L- and LCL-Filters for EV Fast Charging Systems
Berbar, Anas AshrafKhandakar, Amith
Rizqullah, Annaufal
Rahman, Syed
Kraev, Damyan
Iqbal, Atif
Ahmad, Mohammad Rafi more authors less authors
البيانات الوصفية
عرض كامل للتسجيلةالملخص
Adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is an important measure for greenhouse gas reduction in many countries worldwide. The increased production of EV in the market will be associated with continuous demand of installing and maintaining charging stations (CSs) in public areas. The charging station consists of different power converters for processing the power. Filter is an important component of the EV charging station. Correct design of filter is important for the overall satisfactory operation of the EV chargers. This paper aims to provide designing steps of a closed-loop controller of the filter in the EV battery charging system. The contributions of the paper are (1) step-by-step design procedure for closed-loop input power controller for DC-DC converter, (2) simulation model development using systematic approach for closed-loop controller for LCL- and L-filter to validate the design procedure, (3) general overview of EV charging system for researchers working on EV CS. The authors believe that this paper is useful for interested pupils linked to EV CS research and working to make its adoption quicker and more convenient.
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