Now showing items 61-80 of 97

    • Exploring Dysregulated Signaling Pathways in Cancer. 

      Nisar, Sabah; Hashem, Sheema; Yadav, Santosh K; Muralitharan, Sankavi; Therachiyil, Lubna; ... more authors ( Bentham Science Publishers , 2020 , Article Review)
      Cancer cell biology takes advantage of identifying diverse cellular signaling pathways that are disrupted in cancer. Signaling pathways are an important means of communication from the exterior of cell to intracellular ...
    • Claudin-1, A Double-Edged Sword in Cancer. 

      Bhat, Ajaz A; Syed, Najeeb; Therachiyil, Lubna; Nisar, Sabah; Hashem, Sheema; ... more authors ( MDPI , 2020 , Article Review)
      Claudins, a group of membrane proteins involved in the formation of tight junctions, are mainly found in endothelial or epithelial cells. These proteins have attracted much attention in recent years and have been implicated ...
    • Functional In Vivo Imaging of Tumors. 

      Haris, Mohammad; Nisar, Sabah; Hashem, Sheema; Bhat, Ajaz A; Yadav, Santosh; ... more authors ( Springer , 2020 , Book chapter)
      Noninvasive imaging of functional and molecular changes in cancer has become an indispensable tool for studying cancer in vivo. Targeting the functional and molecular changes in cancer imaging provides a platform for the ...
    • Association of genes with phenotype in autism spectrum disorder. 

      Nisar, Sabah; Hashem, Sheema; Bhat, Ajaz A; Syed, Najeeb; Yadav, Santosh; ... more authors ( Impact Journals , 2019 , Article Review)
      Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a genetic heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by impairments in social interaction and speech development and is accompanied by stereotypical behaviors such as ...
    • Cadmium Toxicity: Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Tissue Injury 

      Das, Sandra Concepcion; Al-Naemi, Hamda A. ( Scientific Research Publishing , 2019 , Article Review)
      Cadmium is a known environmental pollutant targeting various organs. Often implicated in cadmium toxicology is the formation of reactive oxygen species, overwhelming the free radical scavenging mechanisms and inducing ...
    • Cadmium-induced endothelial dysfunction mediated by asymmetric dimethylarginine. 

      Al-Naemi, Hamda A; Das, Sandra Concepcion ( Springer , 2020 , Article)
      Cadmium (Cd) is a naturally occurring toxic heavy metal with no known essential biological functions. Exposure to Cd increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by disrupting vascular homeostasis at the endothelium. The ...
    • Genetic and Neuroimaging Approaches to Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. 

      Nisar, Sabah; Bhat, Ajaz A; Hashem, Sheema; Syed, Najeeb; Yadav, Santosh K; ... more authors ( MDPI , 2020 , Article Review)
      Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a highly disabling condition, increasingly recognized as both a disorder of mental health and social burden, but also as an anxiety disorder characterized by fear, stress, and ...
    • Sugar alcohol provides imaging contrast in cancer detection 

      Bagga P.; Wilson N.; Rich L.; Marincola F.M.; Schnall M.D.; ... more authors ( NLM (Medline) , 2019 , Article)
      Clinical imaging is widely used to detect, characterize and stage cancers in addition to monitoring the therapeutic progress. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) aided by contrast agents utilizes the differential relaxivity ...
    • Role of non-coding RNA networks in leukemia progression, metastasis and drug resistance. 

      Bhat, Ajaz A; Younes, Salma N; Raza, Syed Shadab; Zarif, Lubna; Nisar, Sabah; ... more authors ( BMC , 2020 , Article Review)
      Early-stage detection of leukemia is a critical determinant for successful treatment of the disease and can increase the survival rate of leukemia patients. The factors limiting the current screening approaches to leukemia ...
    • Novel potentials of the DPP-4 inhibitor sitagliptin against ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury in rat ex-vivo heart model 

      Al-Awar A.; Alm?si N.; Szab? R.; Takacs I.; Murlasits Z.; ... more authors ( MDPI AG , 2018 , Article)
      Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors are a class of oral anti-diabetic drugs, implicated in pleiotropic secondary cardioprotective effects. The aim of the study was to unveil the unknown and possible cardioprotective ...
    • Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis and Their Impact on Biochemical and Inflammatory Profiles in Cafeteria Diet Fed Sprague Dawley Rats 

      Alasmar, Reem Moath; Varadharajan, Kavitha; Shanmugakonar, Muralitharan; Al-Naemi, Hamda A. ( Scientific Research Publishing , 2019 , Article)
      Gut microbiota plays a major role in regulating the host metabolism and immune system. However, the structure of microbiome population is altered constantly by diverse factors including diet and environment. In particular, ...
    • Gut Microbiota and Health: Understanding the Role of Diet 

      Alasmar, Reem Moath; Varadharajan, Kavitha; Shanmugakonar, Muralitharan; Al-Naemi, Hamda A. ( Scientific Research Publishing , 2019 , Article Review)
      Microbiome now is considered as an organ within our system to regulate metabolism, cellular immune response and eventually maintain the health. Gut microbiota has been studied extensively in the recent past due to the ...
    • Brain Microstructural Changes Support Cognitive Deficits in Normal Children Born to HIVinfected Mothers 

      Santosh Kumar Yadav, Rakesh K Gupta , Sabah N Ahmed , Sheema Hashem , Ajaz A Bhat , Ravindra K Garg , Vimala Venkatesh , Muhammad W Azeem , and Mohammad Haris.; Yadav, Santosh Kumar; Gupta, Rakesh K; Ahmed, Sabah N; Hashem, Sheema; ... more authors (2018 , Conference Proceedings)
      Synopsis In the current study, we evaluated the brain integrity [by mapping the fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD)] and neurocognitive performance (NP) in normal children (NCI) born to HIV-infected ...
    • Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis in Cafeteria Diet Fed Sprague Dawley Rats 

      Varadharajan, Kavitha; Shanmugakonar, Muralitharan; Das, Sandra Concepcion; Al-Naemi, Hamda A. ( Scientific Research Publishing , 2018 , Article)
      Diet plays a major role in the body physiology and metabolism. The quantity, nature and stability of the macronutrients present in the diet have a major impact on the composition of gut microbiota. Gut microbiota plays a ...
    • Extracellular vesicles-mediated intercellular communication: roles in the tumor microenvironment and anti-cancer drug resistance. 

      Maacha, Selma; Bhat, Ajaz A; Jimenez, Lizandra; Raza, Afsheen; Haris, Mohammad; ... more authors ( Springer Verlag , 2019 , Article)
      The tumor microenvironment represents a complex network, in which tumor cells not only communicate with each other but also with stromal and immune cells. Current research has demonstrated the vital role of the tumor ...
    • Tight Junction Proteins and Signaling Pathways in Cancer and Inflammation: A Functional Crosstalk. 

      Bhat, Ajaz A; Uppada, Srijayaprakash; Achkar, Iman W; Hashem, Sheema; Yadav, Santosh K; ... more authors ( Frontiers Media , 2019 , Article)
      The ability of epithelial cells to organize through cell-cell adhesion into a functioning epithelium serves the purpose of a tight epithelial protective barrier. Contacts between adjacent cells are made up of tight junctions ...
    • Changes in resting-state functional brain activity are associated with waning cognitive functions in HIV-infected children. 

      Yadav, Santosh K; Gupta, Rakesh K; Hashem, Sheema; Bhat, Ajaz A; Garg, Ravindra K; ... more authors ( Elsevier , 2018 , Article)
      Delayed brain development in perinatally HIV-infected children may affect the functional brain activity and subsequently cognitive function. The current study evaluated the functional brain activity in HIV-infected children ...
    • Quality of Drinking water in Qatar University Rodent vivarium 

      Khan, Imran; Muralitharan, Shanmugakonar; Al-Naemi, Hamda (2018 , Poster)
      Edstrom watering system was newly installed and all the accessories were used for limited run, but gradually the system runs continuously and this improved the water quality . Moreover our microbial count of water samples ...
    • Biosecurity And Biosafety In LARC 

      Govindharajan, Vijay Kanth; Tesfaldet, Kahsu; Tesfom, Sielu; Joseph, Benny; Al Naemi, Hamda (2017 , Poster)
      * LARC is Specific Pathogen Free(SPF) facility * LARC is free of Specific list of Pathogens maintained by routine testing. * Bio security & Bio safety are main components to maintain the LARC facility
    • Animal Husbandry And Care 

      Govindharajan, Vijay Kanth; Kahsu, Tesfaldet; Sielu, Tesfom; Al Naemi, Hamda (2017 , Poster)
      * Qatar University – Laboratory Animal Research Centre (LARC) is providing highest quality animal husbandry and care * LARC is Specific pathogen Free (SPF) facility with state of the art animal housing & supporting ...