• Functional In Vivo Imaging of Tumors. 

      Haris, Mohammad; Nisar, Sabah; Hashem, Sheema; Bhat, Ajaz A; Yadav, Santosh; ... more authors ( Springer , 2020 , Book chapter)
      Noninvasive imaging of functional and molecular changes in cancer has become an indispensable tool for studying cancer in vivo. Targeting the functional and molecular changes in cancer imaging provides a platform for the ...
    • Undecimated wavelet-based Bayesian denoising in mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise with application on medical and biological images 

      Boubchir L.; Al-Maadeed, Somaya; Bouridane A. ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2015 , Conference Paper)
      Due to photon and readout noise biomedical images are generally contaminated by a mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian image denoising methodology for images corrupted by a mixed Poisson-Gaussian ...