• A fuzzy logic based irrigation system enhanced with wireless data logging applied to the state of Qatar 

      Touati F.; Al-Hitmi M.; Benhmed K.; Tabish R. ( Elsevier B.V. , 2013 , Article)
      In arid regions, developing environment and crop-specific irrigation scheduling that reduces water lost via evapotranspiration is a key to a sustainable and better managed irrigation. This paper presents a practical solution ...
    • A new five-phase to three-phase back-to-back current source converter based wind energy conversion system 

      Elgenedy, M. A.; Abdel-Khalik, A.; Elserougi, A.; Ahmed, S.; Massoud, Ahmed ( IEEE , 2013 , Conference Paper)
      Wind energy is one of the fastest growing renewable energy sources. The increased penetration of wind power into the utility grid brings challenges such as voltage and frequency fluctuations, generator torque ripples, and ...
    • ArabicWeb16: A new crawl for today's Arabic Web 

      Suwaileh, Reem; Kutlu, Mucahid; Fathima, Nihal; Elsayed, Tamer; Lease, Matthew ( Association for Computing Machinery, Inc , 2016 , Conference Paper)
      Web crawls provide valuable snapshots of the Web which enable a wide variety of research, be it distributional analysis to characterize Web properties or use of language, content analysis in social science, or Information ...
    • CheckThat! at CLEF 2019: Automatic identification and verification of claims 

      Elsayed, Tamer; Nakov, Preslav; Barrón-Cedeño, Alberto; Hasanain, Maram; Suwaileh, Reem; ... more authors ( Springer Verlag , 2019 , Conference Paper)
      We introduce the second edition of the CheckThat! Lab, part of the 2019 Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF). CheckThat! proposes two complementary tasks. Task 1: predict which claims in a political debate should be ...
    • Cognitive relay-sharing by using hierarchical modulation under interference constraints 

      Khakzad H.; Shakeri R.; Taherpour A.; Khattab T.; Hasna , Mazen ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2014 , Conference Paper)
      In this paper, we investigate relay-sharing in cognitive radio (CR) networks to improve the secondary user's (SU's) performance in the presence of interference. It is assumed that the relay is shared simultaneously between ...
    • Deep learning models for sentiment analysis in arabic 

      Al Sallab, Ahmad; Hajj, Hazem; Badaro, Gilbert; Baly, Ramy; El Hajj, Wassim; ... more authors ( Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) , 2015 , Conference Paper)
      In this paper, deep learning framework is proposed for text sentiment classification in Arabic. Four different architectures are explored. Three are based on Deep Belief Networks and Deep Auto Encoders, where the input ...
    • EveTAR: A new test collection for event detection in Arabic tweets 

      Almerekhi, Hind; Hasanain, Maram; Elsayed, Tamer ( Association for Computing Machinery, Inc , 2016 , Conference Paper)
      Research on event detection in Twitter is often obstructed by the lack of publicly-available evaluation mechanisms such as test collections; this problem is more severe when considering the scarcity of them in languages ...
    • Exploiting Live Feedback for Tweet Real-time Push Notifications 

      Suwaileh, Reem; Elsayed, Tamer ( National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) , 2017 , Conference Paper)
      Twitter has been developed as an immense information creation and sharing network through which users post diverse information. Although a user would regularly check her Twitter timeline to stay up-to-date on her topics ...
    • Light-weight, Conservative, yet Effective: Scalable Real-time Tweet Summarization 

      Suwaileh, Reem; Hasanain, Maram; Elsayed, Tamer ( National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) , 2016 , Conference Paper)
      Microblogging platforms and Twitter specifically have become a major resource for exploring diverse topics of interest that vary from the world's breaking news to other topics such as sports, science, religion and even ...
    • Mix and match: Collaborative expert-crowd judging for building test collections accurately and affordably 

      Kutlu, Mucahid; McDonnell, Tyler; Sheshadri, Aashish; Elsayed, Tamer; Lease, Matthew ( CEUR-WS , 2018 , Conference Paper)
      Crowdsourcing offers an affordable and scalable means to collect relevance judgments for information retrieval test collections. However, crowd assessors may showhigher variance in judgment quality than trusted assessors. ...
    • Mobile app conceptual browser: Online marketplaces information extraction 

      Aqle, Aboubakr; Islam, Fahad; Rezk, Eman; Jaoua, Ali ( IEEE Computer Society , 2016 , Conference Paper)
      Online marketplaces are e-commerce websites where thousands of products are provided by multiple third parties. There are dozens of these differently structured marketplaces that need to be visited by the end users to reach ...
    • On the evaluation of tweet timeline generation task 

      Magdy, Walid; Elsayed, Tamer; Hasanain, Maram ( Springer Verlag , 2016 , Conference Paper)
      Tweet Timeline Generation (TTG) task aims to generate a timeline of relevant but novel tweets that summarizes the development of a given topic. A typical TTG system first retrieves tweets then detects novel tweets among ...
    • QU at TREC-2015: Building Real-Time Systems for Tweet Filtering and Question Answering 

      Suwaileh, Reem; Hasanain, Maram; Torki, Marwan; Elsayed, Tamer ( National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) , 2015 , Conference Paper)
      This paper presents our participation in the microblog and LiveQA tracks in TREC-2015. Both tracks required building a "real-time" system that monitors a data stream and responds to users' information needs in real-time. ...
    • The evolution of scholarly digital library needs in an international environment: Social reference management systems and Qatar 

      Alhoori H.; Thompson C.; Furuta R.; Impagliazzo J.; Fox E.A.; ... more authors ( Springer Verlag , 2013 , Conference Paper)
      Qatar has become an active research producer of data, publications, and other scholarly works. We studied the evolving scholarly activities and needs of researchers in this relatively new research environment, and compared ...
    • Using conceptual reasoning for inconsistencies detection in islamic advisory opinion (Fatwas) 

      Al Otaibi, Jameela; Elloumi, Samir; Jaoua, Ali; Hassaine, Abdelali ( IEEE Computer Society , 2016 , Conference Paper)
      The Islamic websites play an important role in disseminating Islamic knowledge and information about Islamic ruling. Their number and the content they provide is continuously increasing which require in-depth investigations ...